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YouTube Launches Six-Second Bumper Ads for Brands. How Can Franchising Take Advantage?

The site says bumper ads are better-suited for users watching videos on their smartphones.

By Cassidy McAloonSenior Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 11:11AM 04/27/16

There’s a new way for brands to advertise on YouTube.

An article on TechCrunch notes that the site introduced Bumper ads in a blog post on Tuesday. They’re video ads that last only the length of a Vine—six seconds. YouTube Product Manager Zach Lupei says the six-second ads were created to better serve users watching videos on their smartphones.

“Recent research has shown that half of 19-49 year olds turn to their mobile device first to watch video,” said Lupei. “Even in the living room, many people prefer to watch on their smartphone—for the control, personalization and ease it offers. And as viewing habits change, we are working to introduce new formats adapted to these habits.”

Atlantic Records has been testing Bumper ads for YouTube. The label used the six-second spots to promote the English band Rudimental’s second album. Each ad highlighted one of the guest musicians on the album. Audi Germany also tested bumper ads by taking a long video and cutting it down to six-second segments.

YouTube says bumper ads are meant to complement its already existing ad formats. For example, a brand can now roll out a longer video ad campaign and then use the shorter bumper ads to reinforce its message. Bumper ads also provide a unique opportunity to brands—because they’re so short, they can’t be skipped.

Bumper ads will officially be available to brands and advertisers in May.

“We like to think of bumper ads as little haikus of video ads—and we’re excited to see what the creative community will do with them,” said Lupei.

Click here to read the original TechCrunch article.