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The Visionaries Table: Building a Strong Foundation for Maximum Impact - Skylar Lewis, Rise Up Kings

Rise Up Kings founder and Anchored Tiny Homes CEO discuss faith, personal development and building big, successful businesses.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSORED 2:14PM 06/25/24

Skylar Lewis, founder of Rise Up Kings and author of "The 2 Day CEO," shared his journey with Colton Paulhus, CEO of Anchored Tiny Homes, in a recent episode of “The Visionaries Table” podcast

Lewis was raised in a small town in a cramped mobile home and was strongly motivated by early insecurities and a desire for success. “I would just sit up at the ceiling, dreaming of getting out of that town,” he said. 

Starting with small ventures like lawn mowing, his ambition led him to found multi-million dollar companies by his twenties.

Paulhus aligns with Lewis' mission of holistic success with his faith at the core of everything he does. “I'm a Christian, I'm a believer and I believe in building a large business,” said Paulhus.

For Lewis, his original path in entrepreneurship and success was misguided by the need to prove himself to others and to himself, but he has since learned that there were less selfish motivators to dial into.

“Initially I was driven by proving myself. I wanted to have the nice house, the nice car, the beautiful wife — I wanted to have all of these things and I later found through a lot of personal development and reflection that a lot of that was to prove my own significance,” he said. “Once I hit a certain level of success, then I realized, like man, that's not the best motivator — trying to prove myself or trying to prove significance — and so I went on a kind of a journey of self-reflection.”

Paulhus and Lewis shared their holistic approach to life and business, integrating faith and personal development with entrepreneurial pursuits, and have both experienced a great deal of success. Over time, Lewis’ focus has shifted to mentoring men and he has a goal to inspire 100,000 people through his events by 2026. For Paulhus, he remains dedicated to addressing the housing crisis in the U.S. with ADUs (accessory dwelling units) through Anchored Tiny Homes.

To watch the full podcast episode, click here.

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