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Caregiving Couple Finds Their Next Opportunity With Seniors Helping Seniors

Terri and Kip Haswell’s journey into franchising was the result of some big life changes, a passion for serving their community and a well-timed LinkedIn message.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
2:14PM 01/12/24

Before Terri and Kip Haswell made the decision to franchise with Seniors Helping Seniors, the couple went through a few life changes. First, Terri’s father passed away. Two months later, the Haswells became empty nesters in August of 2022 when their son left for college. Both incidents left the couple questioning what their next move would be.

An unexpected LinkedIn message to Kip eventually led the pair straight into franchising with Seniors Helping Seniors, an in-home care service with senior caregivers who provide compassionate care to other seniors.

“With the experience that I had just gone through with my dad, I had become the family caregiver,” said Terri, who was her father’s caregiver. “I've always loved seniors and have a background with them, but this was a new perspective, really seeing what our aging loved ones face when they have to make these types of decisions. I want to do something that makes a difference. I want to do something that takes an experience that I had and makes something really positive and beautiful.”

A Career Changing LinkedIn Message

After a member of a franchise consultant agency reached out to Kip via LinkedIn, he was introduced to an agency representative who essentially shortlisted five franchise options.  

“He said, ‘I'm going to present you with five different opportunities. But before I do that, I need to know more about what's important to you,’” explained Kip.

Out of all the opportunities presented to the couple, Seniors Helping Seniors made the biggest lasting impression. Terri felt compelled by the brand’s mission, given her experience as a caregiver for her father. However, this option wasn’t initially the easiest choice. 

“It seemed like it might be the most challenging to really get up and running, with all the regulations, so I was a little nervous about that,” explained Terri. “But there was a lot of support from the home office, and they had everything in place. It really outshined some of the other options.”

After vetting and researching the remaining brands, the final choice was made: Seniors Helping Seniors. 

“We just felt confident that this is where we were meant to be,” said Kip. 

Why Seniors Helping Seniors

The couple wanted to make sure their venture was service-oriented. However, they were also drawn to the brand as a financial opportunity. Seniors Helping Seniors did not require a storefront, making the initial buy-in costs relatively affordable. The service areas were also conveniently located near their home territories, covering three territories in Northwest Georgia.

Terri and Kipp found the corporate team to be very helpful in all aspects of running a business so far, with weekly coaching calls where they learn from the home office’s best practices and expertise, along with the knowledge that help is only a phone call away. 

“We can pick up the phone at any given moment,” said Kip. “We can contact somebody for any given reason.”

Giving Back

More than anything, the Haswells are enthusiastic about the opportunity to give back to their community by helping seniors and their loved ones navigate care. 

“We have invested in this community, and people respect us, and they know that we're a safe place to come to,” said Terri. 

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