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Father/Son Footprints Floors Duo Reflects on Why Franchising Is Perfect for Families This Father’s Day

Bobby and JR Moorhead share how they’ve built a family business with Footprints Floors.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 10:10AM 06/14/23

Footprints Floors, the flooring installation concept with over 150 active territories in over 35 states, has long established itself as a family-first business. By prioritizing integrity and communication with clients, Footprints Floors owners embody the “like a family” business feel and set themselves apart in their local markets. With this, it’s only natural that many Footprints Floors ownership duos actually are family, just like Bobby and JR Moorhead, who own and operate Footprints Floors of MidSouth, Tennessee. 

After years in corporate America, Bobby says he began to consider where he was in his career and where he’d like to go in the future. At 62, he was interested in a change but didn’t see himself retiring completely.

“I started thinking about where I was in my life and my career and what I wanted to do when I retired,” Bobby said. “I don’t think I’d be able to just turn off the spigot and stop working completely.”

After connecting with a franchise consultant, he learned of Footprints Floors and began the process.

“I went through the process and talked to quite a few people in the Footprints world. I went through some rigorous questioning,” Bobby said. “It was clear that they weren’t looking for a check. They were looking for someone who wanted to be here and really fit in with the culture.”

Shortly after Bobby was awarded his territory and began operations, a friend called with an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. In an effort to stay involved in both arenas, Bobby welcomed his son, JR, to the Footprints business.

After years of entrepreneurship, JR found himself seeking another opportunity that was more in line with his lifestyle.

“I was doing overnight commercial cleaning. It’s a nice side hustle, but I was already getting prepared to get another job,” he said. “I knew I would probably help my dad with some sales with Footprints, but I didn’t know exactly how that would unfold. I was getting ready to do my resume, dreading getting into the corporate world, when he called me and asked if I’d want to come over and run the business. Ever since then, it’s been off to the races.”

As the business has grown, Bobby and JR have also come to better understand each other’s strengths and how they can leverage complementary skills to drive the business forward.

“You need honesty, integrity and to be respectful and timely to succeed with Footprints Floors. The good thing about working with JR is that he does all of that, and his skill set is different from mine,” Bobby said. “I’m not the greatest at face-to-face customer service, so he handles a lot of the work out in the field.”

Alternately, Bobby works in the back-office, overseeing accounting and other profit and loss-related aspects to ensure that aspect of the business remains healthy.

While business almost always presents challenges, the pair says this venture has brought them together, pushing each to grow as an individual while they work together to build something for the family.

“Me being the son in this equation is motivation to do well and to make the business successful. I want to show my dad that I’m capable of doing this and want to make him proud,” JR explained. “Stuff is going to go wrong, but you have to face it up front. Honesty is so important, and knowing that you have someone you can trust is huge. I’ve hired people, he’s hired people and not everyone is built the same. We literally are, so that makes it a lot easier.”

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