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From Stay-at-Home Mom to Successful Franchisee: Angel Putnam's Journey with Pigtails & Crewcuts

With a passion for giving back and making a difference in her community, this North Carolina franchisee has found success with Pigtails & Crewcuts.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
SPONSORED 8:08AM 06/29/24

After spending time as a stay-at-home mom, Angel Putnam knew she wanted the next part of her journey to be a child-based business. When she came across Pigtails & Crewcuts, she fell in love with the brand. From the colors to the concept to the corporate team — Putnam was sold. She and her husband quickly bought two Pigtails & Crewcuts salons in North Carolina. “We hit the ground running,” Putnam said, “and it’s been amazing ever since." 

Having grown up in foster homes and group homes, Putnam has a big heart for the community and giving back. Pigtails & Crewcuts allows her the opportunity to do that. “Being able to make a difference and give back to our community, I think is why we have been so successful,” she said. 

1851 Franchise spoke to Putnam about her franchise journey and plans for the future. 

1851 Franchise: Frame your personal story for us. What did you do before franchising, and how did you decide franchising made sense for you?

Angel Putnam: I was a stay-at-home mom for five years. Before that, my entire background was retail — so, corporate America. My husband was also in corporate America.  

When our youngest hit kindergarten, I started thinking about what I was going to do next now that I had more free time. I love kids, absolutely adore kids. So I knew being a mom and I knew kids. 

So I started Googling and doing research on kids-based businesses. We looked at a few, but then stumbled upon Pigtails & Crewcuts. I went and spent a week in Atlanta and I absolutely fell in love with the brand. The concept, corporate staff is phenomenal. They make people like family instantly, and that's something you want when you're investing a large chunk of money into something. 

So we hit the ground running and it's been amazing ever since. I have a big heart for community and giving back. I grew up in foster care and group homes, so we do a lot for the foster system here in North Carolina. Just being able to make a difference and give back to our community, I think is why we have been so successful.

1851: What was your perception of franchising prior to becoming a franchisee, and what do you want people to know about franchising now that you are in it?

Putnam: I really didn't give much thought to it. I've always been corporate America, you know? I've always been, “You work when you're told to work and you make numbers and meet all these goals for these big corporations,” so it never really hit me to think of starting our own business. But I knew, with the timeframe and the life that we wanted to be able to provide for our children, that my husband and I going back into corporate America was not an option. The work-life balance just wasn't there prior when we both did it, so we wanted something with flexibility and the franchising world gave us that opportunity. It allowed us to be able to build a financial future without sacrificing the time and the quality of life that we wanted our children to have by being able to be there for them. And we actually now homeschool our children. So buying into a franchise allowed us to build that perfect kind of work-life balance for our family that we would not be able to have otherwise.

1851: What made you pick this brand? What excites you most about this company?

Putnam: What made me first fall in love with Pigtails & Crewcuts is, honestly, just the wholesomeness you get when you walk into one — the bright colors, the staff — it all kind of trickles down from our franchise office. When you have a franchise office that knows you by name and not just a number in their world, it builds that connection to owners to build that same kind of wholesomeness with their staff. And so I feel like when you walk into Pigtails, you get that feeling of a small business family because there is a quality.

You get that small mom-and-pop feeling from the very tip-top down to every stylist that's in our salons, and our families feel that and our clients feel that. So that was the number one thing — the connection overall that Pigtails strives to give is one of a kind. And then, when you immerse yourself into the actual brand, it's just — you just walk in and you're like, “Oh my gosh.”

We have a lot of competitors in the franchise world, but I really feel like we stand out because of our colors, the way that we are set up. Our corporate office trusts us as owners enough to build a business — still respecting the brands, but understanding that markets are different — and so they allow us the freedom to build a successful business that works in our market.

1851: I understand that one of your goals with Pigtails & Crewcuts was to provide a safe space for families with sensory sensitivities. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Putnam: Our salons were the first two in the nation to become sensory certified. Children really do hold a special part of my heart, so it's not just about being sensory safe to me — it truly is just about being a safe place for all children. Not everyone has a sensory issue — some kids just need a safe place — so for me, it's just making sure that we are always learning and growing and achieving new certifications and taking advantage of all programs that are out there to create that space for all children to be able to come into our salon, no matter their background. They're all just so cute and they're all safe with us and they're all meaningful, so to me, just making sure that we're always striving to be that space at all times and when programs become available — like sensory safe — it's our duty as a business to to participate in all of that. A lot of stylists will say working with kids is hard — and it is — so it's also about making sure I provide my team with the tools to continue to become their best. This allows us to continue to excel and be the best we can be for our amazing families.

1851: What do you hope to achieve with your business? What are your plans for growth? 

Putnam: Honestly, my major thing is I want to be able to continue to be the parents that we are for our children while building a financial future for them and being able to create a ripple of change in our community. One of my biggest mottos that I teach our team is that, as a small business, it is our responsibility to take care of the community that takes care of us. So being able to continue to build and grow those relationships and create change with other organizations in our community is huge. 

My personal goal for our company is to hit a million dollars this year. That's my life, but that's not the main focus on my goal line. It just happens to be one of them. In the end, maybe a third store, I'm not sure. I kind of balance a lot, but I don't think there's a stop for me. I like being able to see each year we achieve more and accomplish more, and so I like keeping my finish line moving. 

1851: What is the one thing about your story you want us to know?

Putnam: You write your own story. If you have a dream or you have a goal, you kind of have to set aside everything else and continue to write, keep pushing forward. 

1851: What advice do you have for other people thinking about becoming a franchise owner?

Putnam: Just do it! I talk to all of our potential franchise owners and I'm very honest with them. A lot of them will buy in and think that the business is just ready to go and they're going to be making money from day one, and it's not that. With any business, you get out of it what you put into it. I understand some people will not work as hard as my family and I do in their business. I mean, we're very hands-on, but you have to be able to make that culture. You have to be able to make sure your standards and expectations are in place before you say, “Now, let's open and be successful.” That's not the case. It is work, but overall, my number one thing I tell everyone is you get out of this business what you put into this business.

About Pigtails & Crewcuts: 

Pigtails & Crewcuts is a kid’s hair salon franchise designed with family in mind. Franchising since 2005, it has become a premier destination for children’s hairstyling and a stress-free experience for parents. Pigtails & Crewcuts provides a range of hair care services for boys and girls aged zero to 12, and offers a custom line of child-friendly hair products, hair accessories, toys, and gifts. Each salon is a fun, engaging space where children can feel comfortable and enjoy their haircuts, complete with activities, event areas and a family-friendly atmosphere. With over 80 locations across more than 20 states, Pigtails & Crewcuts is continuously expanding and establishing itself as a leading franchise in the growing niche market of children’s hair care. To learn more about Pigtails & Crewcuts or to find a salon near you, please visit To learn more about franchise opportunities with Pigtails & Crewcuts, please visit