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1851 Growth Club: Franchise Fees

1851 Growth Club is built on transparency and will walk you through the sales process so you know exactly how a brand is allocating your franchise fee.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 10/12/23

1851 Growth Club and 1851 Franchise CEO Nick Powills aims to demystify the sales process of franchising so that you know exactly where your money is going. Franchise fees, in particular, can be a source of confusion for new franchisees, but 1851 Growth Club (also referred to as “Growth Club”) strives to clarify the purpose of these fees for a given brand. 

Clearly, nobody works for free. However, it's too easy to fall into the trap of believing that certain individuals, like brokers, coaches or consultants, are generously offering their services out of the goodness of their hearts. In reality, they are compensated for their expertise.

These professionals are valuable assets to the franchise community, and trustworthy ones are forthright in explaining where your payment is going. 

“They might explain to you that while you pay a fee, a certain amount or percentage is going to go to the franchisor,” said Powills. “This is in exchange for their coaching and guidance.”

However, this transparency is not always a given. Growth Club aims to steer you toward an opportunity that maximizes your chances of success too.This candor in the sales process is crucial, as it empowers you, the franchise buyer, with a comprehensive understanding of your investment. 

“At Growth Club, we give you all the information you need on how the process works,” said Powills. “Then, we can go to work finding the right brand for you.”

To find out more, click here.