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How Franchise Realty Partners is Eliminating the Pain Point of Real Estate for Franchisors Once and for All

With over two decades of collective experience in both franchising and commercial real estate, Franchise Realty Partners offers a turn-key real estate solution to help franchisors with the important aspect of site selection for their franchisees, handle all the communication with brokers, negotiate leases and more.

Franchise Realty Partners, the full-service commercial real estate company that operates as an internal real estate department for emerging franchisors, is making waves in the franchise industry. With over 20 consecutive years of experience working specifically in the tenant and buyer real estate representation field, as well as over a decade of experience as a franchisor, the Franchise Realty Partners team knows what franchisees and franchisors need and how to communicate with both sides. Now, as interest in franchising grows and the commercial real estate market surges all over the country, it has never been more important for franchisors and franchisees to partner with a qualified team like Franchise Realty Partners to navigate the complex real estate process seamlessly.

The Origins of Franchise Realty Partners 

Franchise Realty Partners was founded by Drew McWilliams, a commercial real estate broker in the Carolinas with over 20 years of real estate experience. McWilliams and his wife also own a children’s preschool franchise, Ivybrook Academy, which currently has 51 locations open or under development. After years of operating in both the franchise and real estate space, McWilliams realized there was a disconnect between what third-party real estate companies offered and what franchisors needed.

“I found that I was paying way too much money for outsourced real estate support, and I was doing most of the work as a franchisor,” said McWilliams. “Also, the third-party company I used had a contract with franchisees, but they hid their fees and sneakily raised their commission from 3% to 4% over time. That kind of behavior, that felt incredibly dishonest, made me realize that it would be better if I handled real estate myself. I also had peers in the franchise industry who kept telling me real estate was a major pain point for them, and I realized that if I could do it myself, why not do it and help other brands as well?”

When McWilliams teamed up with his business partner Corey Roberts, an industry expert with 10 years of experience managing franchises through commercial lease negotiations, Franchise Realty Partners was born. The firm works with franchisors and franchisees from coast to coast, providing personalized support in helping them navigate through the entirety of the real estate process. This includes finding sites that match franchisors’ individual criteria, presenting detailed demographic reports that show the target audience for each potential site and negotiating the terms of each lease. 

“We relate to other franchisors because I also am one and I understand the complex process they are going through in navigating franchisees,” said McWilliams. “We also understand the commercial real estate side and can bring the expertise of a massive conglomerate with huge National connections, but still have the communication and relationship-driven approach of a small boutique firm.”

How Franchise Realty Partners Stands Out as a Firm

As a franchisor, McWilliams saw firsthand how constant communication, detailed reports and customer service were hard to come by when partnering with third-party real estate companies. With Franchise Realty Partners, he set out to do things differently. The first step, McWilliams says, was simple: Pick up the phone!

“If you have ever tried to call a commercial real estate agent, you know they never answer their phone, especially if the franchisor calling has less than 100 units,” said McWilliams. “We know how valuable it is to have a real estate partner that is actually available at all times and gets things done quickly.” 

Franchise Realty Partners also takes pride in offering a turn-key service, acting as a franchisor’s complete, outsourced real estate department. “We work with the client to take the approach that works best for their needs,” McWilliams said. “For example, we can white-label ourselves as the internal real estate department for a brand if they’d like to come across as having more company depth to their franchisees. We want to be a turn-key solution — when a franchisor signs a new franchisee, we will take on 100% of the site selection and real estate work to make their role easier. Our overall goal is to help franchisors find sites faster, open stores faster and bring in royalties faster.”

This turn-key real estate solution also helps simplify the process for franchisors by cutting down on the number of cooks in the kitchen. “They no longer need to hire one company to handle data-driven site selection and another brokerage to show the properties to franchisees and yet another to negotiate the lease,” said McWilliams. “We will handle it all through our established connections in the industry and the franchisor and franchisee just have one point of contact, us.”

And McWilliams says the value of those industry connections can not be overstated, especially for emerging franchisors. “The number-one key to success in commercial real estate is partnering with the right local broker,” he said. “When franchisors are starting out, they usually grow in their home state, where they already have real estate connections. But when they enter a new state, those local real estate connections can’t help anymore. Especially right now, where demand outpaces supply, it is incredibly important to connect with the best local real estate experts who have pocket listings ready in each market. We have been networking for 30 years collectively and we know a multitude of the best brokers in each city across the U.S.”

Why Franchise Realty Partners is Set for Major Growth

Since being founded last year, Franchise Realty Partners has already signed agreements working with franchisees of multiple brands, including large salon franchises Supercuts and Cost Cutters. Now, McWilliams says the firm is looking for new emerging franchisor clients, with the goal of adding 10 franchise brands to its roster each year. 

“I’m thrilled with our company positioning to work with large national brands as well as emerging companies.  When you give everyone the same real, authentic, genuine support they deserve, everyone wins,” says McWilliams.

Looking ahead, the franchise industry is set to thrive as more and more entrepreneurs aim to take control of their destiny following the uncertainty of the pandemic. Additionally, many prime real estate sites have opened up due to businesses closing their doors, and franchisors have a prime opportunity to fill those locations. McWilliams says Franchise Realty Partners can act as an invaluable real estate partner for those franchisors gearing up for expansion in 2022 and beyond.

“Many franchise brands are on the cusp of major growth, which can be an overwhelming process,” said McWilliams. “Franchise Realty Partners was created to eliminate the unnecessary pain point of real estate for those franchisors so they don’t have to think about it. Instead, they can focus on what matters most: optimizing their operations, supporting franchisees and selling more units to take their brand to the next level.”

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