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How Scoop Soldiers Franchisees Balance Entrepreneurship and Other Careers

Brandon and Valerie Howe both hold positions in the corporate world but continue to grow at their own pace with the pet waste removal franchise in Fort Worth, Texas.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 08/29/23

With experience in both the corporate world and entrepreneurship, Brandon and Valerie Howe have seen both sides of the coin. The pair currently own Scoop Soldiers of Fort Worth, the pet waste removal franchise that takes care of the dirty aspects of pet ownership, and both maintain standard “nine-to-five” jobs.

“We had a couple of other small businesses but wanted to find something bigger; that’s how we found Scoop Soldiers,” explained Brandon. “We had friends who also owned a Scoop Soldiers, and hearing how well they did, we thought it’d be a good opportunity. The company’s goals really fit with our goals, and our values align.”

Brandon explained that, like any business, the launch is the most intense time, but “business has definitely steadied out.” Because the duo was willing to trust the process as they worked to establish a steady business, they now have a smooth, self-sufficient business.

“We’re here to give support and guidance where needed,” said Brandon. “But outside of the typical owner responsibilities that we have, everyone just does their job, gets their paycheck and goes home. That makes for a smooth business.”

While the Fort Worth Scoop Soldiers operation currently employs five people, the Howes say they aim to expand to additional territories and come to employ 10–15 people in the future.

What a Self-Sufficient Business Means for the Howes’ Futures

Brandon explained that the benefit of entrepreneurship is the ability to drive a business in the direction you desire.

“It’s not an hourly thing,” he said. “In the long term, you get out of it what you put into it. If you only want to spend five hours per week on your business, that’s fine, but it probably won’t grow how you want it to. A lot of your growth in the corporate space depends on what other people see in you, but when you work for yourself, you control your own growth. You can grow to whatever your heart desires.”

“Being your own boss is everyone’s dream, but it doesn’t come without stress,” added Valerie. “However, at the end of the day, it’s worth it, and it’s very doable. The rough patches you go through can make it nerve racking, but at the end of the day, it’s definitely worth it.”

Because of the hard work they have put into their Scoop Soldiers business, the Howes are able to maintain roles in the corporate space while continuing to grow a business they own independently.

Most days, the pair will review the schedule for the day and ensure everything is in place for Scoop Soldiers to succeed. They will check in on employees throughout the day just to ensure everything is going smoothly, then after work, they will look at routes for the next day. They were very clear, however, about the fact that it is possible to be more of a hands-off owner; it just comes down to building a trustworthy team that works in the field and interfaces with clients.

With the business, the two have also gained the freedom and flexibility to be even more involved with their children.

“We’re more involved in our kids’ activities,” explained Valerie. “One of our daughters is very involved with choir, and our younger one is really big into soccer. We’re able to participate in that as much as possible.”

Looking to their futures with Scoop Soldiers, the pair agrees that the “pooper scooper” segment is not fully saturated, and the franchise has presented a prime opportunity to grow in the industry while maintaining another full-time job. And as the franchise grows, it becomes possible to transition out of full-time work and support your lifestyle with the franchise business alone.

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