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JAN-PRO Franchise Development™ Provides the Opportunity to Build an Entrepreneurial Empire

The JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive-level business model is a dynamic business opportunity that offers ideal candidates the opportunity to own your own business with impressive unit-level economics, scalable growth potential in protected territories and the ability to reap the rewards of being a successful business owner. 

By Luca Piacentini1851 Franchise Managing Editor
SPONSOREDUpdated 8:08AM 12/13/22

As a JAN-PRO Regional Developer (also referred to as a master franchise or distributor), you can leverage your skill set into building your own business, take control of your destiny and help others to do the same.   

 Starting your business as a JAN-PRO Regional Developer in a white space territory, has never made more business sense than right now.  As franchisors of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting Unit Franchises that provide commercial cleaning services, and with demand for commercial cleaning services booming, now is the perfect time to step into this unique business opportunity.  

 The JAN-PRO Franchise Development business opportunity is centered around 3 key pillars: 

  • Acquiring JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting Certified Unit Franchisees in an allocated protected territory 
  • Providing business level support including, coaching, certification in brand standards, administrative support, including billing and collection services to JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting Certified Unit Franchisees you acquire 
  • Providing sales & marketing services in support of Client acquisition for commercial cleaning services on behalf of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting Certified Unit Franchisees 

 “We continue to grow our portfolio of JAN-PRO Franchise Development offices across the US as we have consistently seen a rise in demand for cleaning and disinfecting services.  As we head into fall and winter, and with cold and flu season rapidly approaching, I expect the need for JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting’s services to continue to rise”, said Gary Bauer, President of JAN-PRO Systems International, the parent Franchisor of both the JAN-PRO Franchise Development and JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting brands.  

 JAN-PRO operates a three-tier business model: 

  • JAN-PRO Systems International – the parent company - sells protected territories to JAN-PRO Franchise Development owners and creates the systems needed to protect and grow the brands 
  • JAN-PRO Franchise Development, acting as regional franchisors, sell JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting unit franchise licenses to entrepreneurs.  JAN-PRO Franchise Development owners own and manage a professional office that provides certifications, ongoing coaching, administrative support, and access to accounts so that JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting Unit Franchise owners can grow their independently owned businesses. 
  • JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting is the brand behind the commercial cleaning business that is independently owned by Unit Franchisees that provide the commercial cleaning services to their Accounts or end Clients.  

 By selling JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting franchises to independently owned operators, JAN-PRO Regional Developers have an opportunity to leverage an unparalleled brand reputation and steadily grow in a scalable territory.  

Since its founding 31 years ago, JAN-PRO’s Cleaning & Disinfecting brand has established itself as a clear leader in the commercial cleaning space.  JAN-PRO’s Cleaning & Disinfecting brand has been ranked: 

And with the janitorial and cleaning service industry in the U.S. reaching $75.6 billion, with an expected growth rate of 4.1%, JAN-PRO Franchise Development Regional Developers have a prime opportunity to expand as one of the largest commercial cleaning franchises in the world 

“Local businesses will continue to turn to the industry experts found at JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting to ensure that their employees and customers are being kept safe,’ added Bauer.  As a result, demand is high and that creates a very scalable franchise at the Regional Developer level — the more prospects looking to purchase the cleaning franchise at the unit level, the more opportunity for the Regional Developer to see success. Our competitors don’t have our scale, and scale creates value.”  

These factors have allowed JAN-PRO Franchise Development to establish itself as a leading opportunity in the franchising industry alongside the JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting brand. Over the last year, JAN-PRO Franchise Development hit nearly $600 million in global sales, saw sales increase nearly 15% year-over-year and saw a nearly 16% increase in franchise units. This year, JAN-PRO Franchise Development was featured on the esteemed Franchise Times’ Top 400 list for the second year in a row, jumping the rankings to the No. 119 spot as compared to No. 157 last year.  

The Advantages of JAN-PRO Franchise Development 

The JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model offers savvy leaders the chance to take advantage of recurring revenue, strong cash flow, low fixed costs, attractive equity and an essential, community-based business. 

 “The JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model is a scalable model without the need for hundreds of employees,” said Joe Sloyan, Vice President of Franchise Development. “The average regional office has six to eight employees. The executive model also means that Regional Developers can grow without needing to add more buildings or more employees. As revenue and the Certified Business Owners portfolio continues to increase under Regional Developers, there are more opportunities for growth.” 

Additionally, while JAN-PRO Regional Developers are business leaders Sloyan says they will never feel like they are on their own. “As part of a supportive franchise network, JAN-PRO Systems International is there to help guide and coach Regional Developers, as they in turn provide business administration support to Certified Business Owners in their territory.  He added, “We understand that we succeed as a franchisor when our Regional Developers succeed, and they understand that they succeed when the Certified Business Owners succeed in turn.  

 “All of this translates to a uniquely scalable opportunity for those who invest in the JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model”, Bauer says.  

 Regional Developers benefit not only from the sale of franchises, but also from the ongoing royalties. In addition, they earn a commission on securing accounts on behalf of certified franchise owners to service. In exchange, Regional Developers provide business services to Certified Business Owners including, sales and marketing services, billing and collections support, business and leadership coaching, brand standard certifications and more. 

 “Last but certainly not least”, Bauer says, “JAN-PRO Regional Developers have an opportunity to impact the lives of entrepreneurs and business owners in their communities.” 

 The Ideal JAN-PRO Regional Developer 

JAN-PRO Regional Developers are professionals who recognize the opportunity to maximize their business and leadership skills within a franchisor model that has a proven, thirty-year-plus award-winning system in a top category.  

 This franchise model is perfect for individuals with leadership expertise, business acumen, financial standing and who are actively exploring opportunities to start their own business.  All the skill sets they’ve used to build their impressive corporate career will relate and be advantageous to this business, and they will be able to build the kind of environment they want to spend their days in.  

The ideal JAN-PRO Regional Developer may come from a range of backgrounds, including business leaders or executives, attorneys, scientists, strong middle managers, retail leaders, health professionals, self-employed business owners, engineers, sales professionals, training directors, educators, and other executive careers. 

 “Regional Developers tend to be business and sales-focused individuals. They aren’t looking to run a cleaning business — rather they want to manage a small team of people that provide support to independent owners who provide commercial cleaning services. They will feel comfortable applying their business knowledge and skill set, whether it is in leadership, marketing or sales”, explains Sloyan. 

Why Now is the Time to Invest in A JAN-PRO Franchise Development Business 

Today, JAN-PRO Franchise Development territories is 94% placed in the U.S. and Canada because Regional Developers have protected territories. “And the rights for that last 6% of the country”, Sloyan says, “are in high demand.” If a prospective owner is interested in JAN-PRO Franchise Development, they would be wise to act now.  

“We are looking to fill four white space markets per year,” said Bauer. “We don’t want to grow too fast — we understand how important it is to get the right people in place. We also have several Regional Developers looking to exit the business at any point, so that opens other markets as well.” 

When it comes to available territories, smaller cities, such as Des Moines, Albuquerque, Reno or Wichita are protected territories unfilled and open for opportunities. The states of Hawaii and Alaska are also currently available for development.   

“There is no ceiling on how big you can grow your business or that of independent unit franchisee’s businesses,” said Bauer. “We have Regional Developers that support hundreds of Certified Business Owners that in turn service hundreds of clients. We have been doing this for a long-time, and many of our Regional Developers have been with us for decades. We know exactly what it takes to help our Regional Developers grow their businesses and build a bright future of their own making.” 

For more information on becoming a Regional Developer with JAN-PRO Franchise Development, visit 

*No JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting® franchise will be sold to any resident of a jurisdiction requiring registration of the franchise before it is sold, until the offering has been exempted from the requirements of, or duly registered in and declared effective by that jurisdiction and any required Franchise Disclosure Document has been delivered to the prospective franchisee before the sale in compliance with applicable law.



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