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How LaundroLab Provides a More Lucrative Path to Business Ownership In the Laundromat Industry

Vermont franchisee Peter Delp explains why he chose to franchise with the industry-disrupting brand rather than start an independent laundromat.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSORED 4:16PM 10/19/22

There are more than 30,000 laundromats throughout the United States, and most of them offer the same, dreary experience: a neglected, run-down space that few people want to spend much time in. For LaundroLab, an emerging laundromat franchise that is poised to dramatically disrupt the industry, providing a quality experience unlike anything most consumers are used to is helping the brand stand out not only in the laundromat category but as one of the most exciting opportunities in franchising. That’s why Peter Delp, one of the brand’s newest franchisees, was eager to invest.

Delp, who has signed on to open his first LaundroLab location in Burlington, Vermont later this year, says the franchise’s ownership model, proven and refined by LaundroLab’s corporate team, is helping him create an elevated consumer experience that is quickly proving a big draw in his Vermont community. “[LaundroLab] is just a much more appealing experience than anything I could have operated on my own in this field.”

Delp’s background is in finance and real estate. He moved from Chicago to Vermont in 2018 and began to develop an investment vision geared towards passive income models. “I started to look at alternative investments like self-storage, car washes and things like that,” Delp said. “Laundromats fell into that category. I researched the industry a little bit and became really attracted to it. An opportunity fell into my lap thanks to a contact on LinkedIn, and I really liked what LaundroLab had to offer.”

Delp said a trip to the Charlotte, North Carolina brand headquarters is what ultimately convinced him to franchise with LaundroLab. He says he was impressed by the goals and values established for the brand by co-founders, Alex Smereczniak and Dan D’Aquisto.

Delp says the stereotypical laundromat experience, marked by dingy facilities, broken machines and a dearth of comfort and entertainment, has given the industry a negative connotation. Only around 30 percent of laundromats in the U.S. have active attendants working on-site, which has further deprived the industry. LaundroLab’s semi-absentee ownership model ensures the best of both worlds: enough active attendance for owners to follow, and enough self-sufficiency for each location to operate without continual oversight.

“I think coming in with clean facilities and elevated services is the first step toward a great experience,” Delp said. “Mixing in free WiFi and other amenities can make it a much better experience, and that is what LaundroLab is doing.” 

Delp’s facility in Burlington will be equipped with furniture, televisions and lounge areas where people and their families can actually enjoy their experience.

A discounted supply rate from supplier Electrolux has equipped each LaundroLab unit with state-of-the-art equipment complete with mobile-pay features. This integration has allowed the brand to accommodate an even wider range of potential customers, without relying on the traditional coin-based equipment rigors of before.

“There’s no way I could incorporate all of this technology on my own if I were to just go out and buy any laundromat,” Delp said.

A prospective LaundroLab owner needs $500k liquidity and a $1M minimum net worth. A new LaundroLab store can range anywhere from $1.1M - $1.7M, which includes equipment, buildout, franchise fee, working capital and more. For more information on franchising, visit


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