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5 Brands Worth Buying Under $250,000

Sometimes, it’s the dollars and cents that do the talking.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 9:09AM 09/02/15

Like any business venture, a lot of tough decisions and final conclusions in the franchise industry are made when it’s time to add up the dollars and cents. While financial commitments to a brand can add up quickly, some brands are situated in more accessible investment brackets—say, in the 250K and under range.

Whether you’re considering your inaugural investment in the franchise industry or looking for a less financially demanding franchise, there are fantastic options waiting for enthusiastic, savvy franchisees. Here are five brands worth buying that are under $250,000.

Wireless Zone
Amidst the constantly changing technological landscape, franchises in the segment—like Wireless Zone—have been experiencing wild success. The brand has come far since its 1988 inception as “The Car Phone Store” thanks to its nimbleness as a company and progressive approach to marketing.

While technology is a perpetually developing field, one thing has remained a constant for Wireless Zone—a commitment to staying ahead of the curve. The company recently announced a new initiative to buy into the technological accessory segment, and it’s a great time to buy in.

Palm Beach Vapors
At the cusp of what’s new and exciting in the industry, Palm Beach Vapors offers a cigarette alternative to a nation working to kick its nic habit. The brand is a trailblazer, too, as the franchising industry’s first e-cigarette and vapor retailer. Cornering the market, the company has seen exponential growth since its founding in 2003 and is looking to add even more to its promising fleet of franchisees. Already staking a claim in Alabama, Oklahoma, California and more, Palm Beach Vapors is pioneering far and fast.

Mosquito Joe
With an expansive customer base and customers on both the residential and commercials ends, Mosquito Joe can cater to any ‘skeeter problem anywhere. Based in Virginia Beach, the mosquito control treatment boasts units nationwide and is rapidly expanding.

With a focus on community outreach, the brand extends plenty of goodwill with its humanitarian efforts and impeccable service. Contributing to both the public comfort and the common good, Mosquito Joe’s skilled technicians make the outdoors a sanctuary again thanks to cutting edge technology.

In times like these, most people are working to attain their own fitness goals, but even the most dedicated gym rat must find time to hit the weights. That’s where GYMGUYZ rolls in.

Employing a full fleet of trucks to transport state-of-the-art fitness equipment and topnotch coaches to clients’ doorsteps, fitness is more accessible than ever before. As #1 in Home Personal Training, GYMGUYZ has carved out its own unique segment in the fitness sector and s dominating the game. A stellar investment under the 250K mark, GYMGUYZ is a proven success with a promising future on the horizon.

Cleaning Authority
A tried-and-true franchise model, The Cleaning Authority has been sweeping its way across the nation since 1989. With more than 20 years blazed and 190 locations in the United States and Canada, The Cleaning Authority boasts a staggering 1.7 million cleans last year. Responsible for the “Detail-Clean Rotation System,” designed to guarantee a thorough clean, The Cleaning Authority is able to combine quality and quantity with its model. Along with being a cost-effective investment opportunity, the brand is also an ethical choice for prospective franchisees—it uses Green-Seal Certified® Cleaning products.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.