Nick Powills: Responsibility Is the Key to Personal Success
I lost the weight but reveled in the gains.
I am sure you have heard it hundreds of times—great leaders also have the strength to take on great responsibility.
When something goes wrong, it is their fault. When something goes right, it is their teams’ accomplishment.
It’s a fairly simple model that can certainly be attached to business. But boy, is it powerful when it comes to the personal.
A little over a year ago, I stood on the scale and saw 222 (sounds like a lucky number, just not for me). I had been hovering around 215 for 7 years, but would never feel happy or satisfied with what I saw. It wasn’t anyone else’s responsibility other than my own.
Thus, I decided to take the responsibility to make a change. That was going to be the last time I saw a number over 220 on the scale.
I decided to go on a diet that my wife invented (I call it the Sharon Diet). Chicken or fish; veggies; low-fat dairy; and booze.
I took control of the destiny. And along the way, I tweaked by approach by taking further responsibility for how much I exercised and how much I ate. I added in fasting, to continue to shock my system.
In January, I broke 200 for the first time since I was in the sixth grade. And a year into the process, I sustained 190.
Being fat was no one else’s fault but mine. I guess I just never took full responsibility for it. Maybe I wasn’t ready for it. Yet, I knew happiness would increase if I did.
I found personal success by taking responsibility.
What do you want to change next year? What are you willing to take responsibility for?