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Not Great At Giving Hard Feedback? WATCH THIS

How to have difficult conversations with your employees in an effective and direct way.

By Carrie Luxem1851 Franchise Contributor
Updated 10:10AM 06/22/21

Many leaders really struggle when it comes to giving employee feedback. Are you in the same boat? How do you approach crucial or difficult conversations?

If there's an issue within your team or with a certain employee, you absolutely can't afford to let it linger.

What I see far too often is what starts out as a relatively small and manageable issue, quickly steamrolls into a major problem!

Trust me when I tell you, if there is something that you're aware of, you can rest assured that your team is aware of it too. They are watching and waiting for you to take action.

It's crucial that you have those difficult conversations and that you provide honest and direct employee feedback. By taking swift and direct action, it will prevent further deterioration of team camaraderie and company culture.

Watch the full video above, or click here to watch it on YouTube.


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