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One Size Doesn't Fit All: the Perfect Medium for your Message

Whether we are driving to work, getting our hair done or even sitting in the confines of our own home, Americans are bombarded with all types of advertising each day. According to the Census Bureau, the world’s population is estimated to reach an astounding 7.2 billion people. With so many people.....

SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 07/10/13
Whether we are driving to work, getting our hair done or even sitting in the confines of our own home, Americans are bombarded with all types of advertising each day. According to the Census Bureau, the world’s population is estimated to reach an astounding 7.2 billion people. With so many people and advertising outlets to choose from, how does your company break through the clutter to maximize profits and reach its target market? Answering this question is essential to determining which media outlets will work best. The message needs to be crafted correctly and distributed accordingly. To get the best results from your marketing, we break down the different options: Radio Pros •Thanks to the variety of radio stations we have today, you can target very specific audiences with different types of listeners. •This is an inexpensive media when compared to television.  According to, a 30-second spot in a larger city, such as Chicago, averages $362. •It is easier to produce radio advertisements quickly, and they can air shortly after they are made. Cons •It is possible that the advertisement is not heard because it is only being used for background noise during the work commute. •Yahoo! Small Business brings up a great point: radio can’t be cut out and saved like a print ad, so this is where repetition becomes necessary. Television Pros •Television encompasses visual and audio elements, which can leave a longer-lasting impression with viewers. •According to The Houston Chronicle, television has the advantage of highly targeted advertising based on the specific channel and airtime choices. Cons •Airtime has become increasingly more expensive. According to, the average costs of a 30-second prime time spot is just shy of $110,000. •Commercials are challenging because the creation of well-done spots can be costly and time consuming. Print Pros •Mailers, magazines, newspapers and other print pieces can be passed around from person to person, therefore increasing impressions. •According to, your company can access a specific customer base for each magazine, newspaper, etc. based on the demographics of the publication’s readers. When dealing with something such as magazines, you are able to take advantage of each niche. For example, Car and Driver would be a good place to push your car-cleaning products. Cons • also mentions that with the age of technology fully upon us, we are experiencing limited and dwindling readerships as more and more people turn to the Internet and mobile apps. Americans are de-cluttering their lives and turning to more eco-friendly options. •After you create your ad and send it to the chosen publication, it is close to impossible to control the image quality. The printer will have full control over the final product, and it will depend how well they do their job. Social Pros •Material on social media can be updated and posted in real time, which keeps customers constantly updated and checking back throughout the day. •With mobile access, customers are within reach 24/7. •Opening and running these social media accounts is free. •Material on these sites are shareable, therefore allowing you to increase reach via other loyal customers. •Sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram allow you to build more personal relationships with customers. •The Internet is where your customers are. Facebook alone had 1.11 billion active users as of March 2013, according to the site. Cons •Features on social media like “commenting” brings upon the risk of users shining a negative light on your brand. It is vital that your team is prepared to respond. •According to, each online account must have one cohesive voice. Because social media can be time consuming, multiple people might be working on the same account, which could create confusion for the consumers if not written in the same voice. Overall, it is important to understand your company’s size, budget and what it is attempting to accomplish to best determine what media channels to choose.  Whether it’s the man driving to work who hears your spot on the radio, a woman passing over your ad while having her perm set or adolescent scrolling through your Facebook page, you want your message to connect and resonate with your audience. Beyond choosing the proper channels, it is vital to connect each platform in order to find advertising success in today’s digital world. For more on the social media revolution, check out the video below, courtesy of The Total Profit.


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