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Pestmaster Services President Looks Forward To Seeing Brand Spread Its Wings

After over four decades of operations, Kieran Scott, brand president and recent addition to the Pestmaster team, looks to rejuvenate and refresh the brand.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 04/29/22

Pestmaster Services, a full-service pest control franchise with over 65 units, has welcomed a new brand president. Kieran Scott joined the brand in January 2022, bringing 10 years of experience in franchising, brand-building, management and communication.

“All throughout that journey, I’ve been able to really hold true to a franchisee-first mindset,” Scott said. Existing under the umbrella of a multi-brand franchisor has encouraged him to continue with a similar franchisee-first approach while providing franchisees additional support. “When a brand has the backing of a larger, multi-brand franchisor like Threshold Brands,” Scott explained, “There's just more opportunity for shared services, more support and more team members to help you.”

With over 40 years of successful operations under its belt, Pestmaster Services is ready for a bit of a refresh and rejuvenation. Over its lifetime, Pestmaster has “been one of the largest, if not the largest, pest control contractors to the federal government across the country,” servicing accounts like West Point and Quantico. While this is a great source of pride, Scott is excited to pursue additional commercial and residential opportunities.

The past emphasis on government contract opportunities has left much space available for other areas of opportunity. “We have incredible opportunities in front of us at the moment, including a tremendous amount of whitespace. It’s rare to find a brand that has decades of experience under its belt with any territories available, let alone lucrative opportunities in key markets across the country.” While government services will continue to be a priority, Scott has also noted increasing demand in commercial and residential spaces.

Valued at $20.6 billion in 2018, the pest control market is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate of 5.2% between 2020 and 2027, bringing its expected value to $30 billion in the next five years.

“It really is a core market opportunity,” Scott explained. Unlike other franchise opportunities that draw on clients’ disposable income, pest control is something that everyone needs. It’s a service that is less likely to be put off for when someone has a little extra money lying around. “When you have a pest problem, you need to solve that pest problem,” he said.

2022 is projected to be the brand’s biggest growth year to date as it works to develop within a number of key markets. 

As Scott looks to the future, he sees great potential for Pestmaster Services’ continued growth. “We have a tremendous franchisee community with Pestmaster,” he said, and the brand provides “in demand, recession-resistant opportunities with the support of a great team.” 

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Pestmaster franchised business ranges from $81,600 to $185,800. For more information about franchising with Pestmaster Services, visit: 


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