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How An Innovative Model and Strong Corporate Support is Helping Robeks Sign More Multi-Unit Deals Than Ever Before

Thanks to strong corporate support and a nimble business model, more Robeks owners are choosing to reinvest in the franchise and expand their territories across the country.

By Helen Harris1851 Franchise Staff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 1:13PM 02/10/22

Robeks, an established leader in the juice and smoothie industry for a quarter century, is on an explosive growth trend. With more than 100 units currently open and in development, the brand has seen a spike in multi-unit ownership and expansion and a growing number of existing franchisees choose to open additional locations in their markets. 

Robert Campos, vice president of franchise sales, explained the benefits that come with multi-unit ownership and how the corporate team both encourages and supports franchise owners as they expand their portfolio.

“We incentivize franchisees to have more than one location, by offering a decrease in their royalties as well as franchise fees for secondary locations,” said Campos. “There are a lot of benefits to owning a second unit that continues with the third or fourth as owners continue to scale.”

Campos points to the Robeks location in Greater Phoenix as an example. The tiny 735 square foot shop generates more than $1.5 million in sales annually. After seeing year over year growth at their location, these Robeks franchisees knew it was time to expand to better serve their growing customer base. Another perk? Locations can share labor and marketing dollars, helping to streamline overhead costs.  

Health-Focused Options, Customization and Fresh Ingredients Add to the Brand’s Success

During the height of the pandemic, Robeks stayed in near daily contact with its owners, coaching them through the ways to remain open or, in some cases, reopen stores safely, navigate the ongoing changes and restrictions within their market and continue to serve customers to the best of their ability while maintaining the Robeks brand standards.

And it was an approach that proved effective. As more people began to prioritize their health during the pandemic, the health-conscious, customized menu resonated more than ever before with eager customers and sales began to spike. 

“We prioritize the taste and quality of our products. We work hard to create menu items that are bursting with flavor and don’t necessarily taste like health-focused options,” said Campos. “Any menu item can be made in a way that matches a customer’s personal dietary restrictions, fitness goals or taste preferences.”  

Robeks Provides Ongoing Support To Keep Locations Thriving 

The thriving culture at Robeks has laid the groundwork for its ongoing success and the motivation for so many franchisees to want to reinvest in the brand. 

“We provide a focused effort on training for franchisees to help them succeed from the start,” said Campos. “We hone in on the small details, including the technology that we deploy in the stores that helps owners better manage the story without getting bogged down in details — we care about those things. We give them tools and platforms that they can leverage to keep a better eye on their businesses.”

Campos expects to see more single-unit operators in existing markets where people “fall in love with the brand,” but he definitely foresees a huge upturn in increased multi-site operations in coming years, building on the momentum that the brand has seen in recent months. And, as Robeks continues to scale, a particular emphasis has been placed on development in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Salt Lake City, South Florida and Cincinnati DMA’s. 

About Robeks 

Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, Robeks is a forerunner in the wholesome juice and healthful smoothie category using fruits and vegetables at the peak of their freshness for a delicious taste and quality nutrients. Also known for its fresh Acai bowls and now adding premium toasts, Robeks continues to innovate with creatively crafted flavor combinations with fresh, high-quality ingredients that make people happy. With more than 100 locations open and in development across twelve states and the District of Columbia, Robeks continues its stellar growth with franchise opportunities in select markets across the country. For more information, visit