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How Senior Care Authority Provides Training and Ongoing Support for Their Franchisees

Marcy Baskin, Vice President of Franchise Support and Training, sheds light on the comprehensive training and support offered by the Eldercare Consulting/Senior Placement company to its franchise owners

When stepping into the senior care industry, it is essential to have a guiding hand, especially when dealing with families in crisis. That is the primary reason why Senior Care Authority, an eldercare consulting and placement franchise with nearly 100 units nationwide, offers a robust support system for its franchisees. From initial certification to ongoing marketing support and collaborative learning, franchisees are well-equipped to provide top-notch senior care services. Here’s an inside look into what incoming franchise owners can expect. 

A Vigorous Onboarding Process

From the moment a new franchisee signs on with the brand, the onboarding process is intensive and robust. “We are a little different than some of the other franchises out there,” said Marcy Baskin, Vice President of Franchise Support and Training. “We are consultants who are working with people in crisis every day. We require that franchisees become Certified Senior Advisors before their in-house training even begins. Then, throughout the training and coaching we provide, they expand on that initial training by learning to find their own empathy and compassion when assisting families.

This initial certification from The Society of Certified Senior Advisors (SCSA) ensures that new Senior Care Authority franchisees have a solid foundation before diving into the business operations. It underscores the franchise's commitment to quality and preparedness, ensuring that every franchisee is equipped to handle the sensitive nature of their work. All franchisees are required to become members of NPRA (National Placement and Referral Alliance), an organization that sets forth very clear best practices for their members to adhere to.

Comprehensive Training Modules

Once an incoming franchisee obtains their certification, they gain access to a series of 18 training modules, that include videos, reading materials, and scheduled one-on-one coaching sessions. The online training culminates in an onsite visit from corporate for additional training, assignment of a peer mentor, and finally a twelve-hour intensive training in Eldercare Consulting.

“The first course includes setting up your accounts, your email, preparing for your website launch, etc.,” Baskin said. “The one-on-one coaching sessions with different members of the corporate team, as well as seasoned, successful franchisees, are offered throughout the training process. This personalized approach ensures that the new franchisees receives tailored guidance and insights from experienced counterparts.”

Each course dives into a different aspect of the Senior Care Authority business model. “In course two, for example, franchisees have an extended coaching session on how to utilize our CRM, which is customized for our business,” said Baskin. “We also gather more information for their websites, which go live before they officially open the business.”

Given the nature of the clientele, specialized training is paramount. “Franchisees are also required to become certified as a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP). The majority of the clients we work with are living with dementia,” said Baskin. “We want owners to be familiar and well-versed in all aspects of that.”

Another unique aspect of the training includes certification in the Beyond Driving with Dignity Program, one of Senior Care Authority’s signature offerings. The company supports and encourages system-wide involvement in the Alzheimer's Association, Peace of Mind visits, long distance care strategies and much more. This ensures that franchisees are not only set up for multiple revenue streams, but also actively engaged in the community, providing a holistic approach to senior care.

“The corporate team continually works to improve processes, procedures and content, and with our unique business model, having options to support our clients outside of just placement,” said Linda Cale, a Senior Care Authority franchisee in South Carolina and Western North Carolina. “We can offer exceptional experiences and that continues to set our brand apart.”

The timeline for completing these modules varies, Baskin says, depending on the individual's dedication and time commitment, but can be done in as little as 45 to 60 days.

Ongoing Support and Marketing

Once the training modules are completed, the Senior Care Authority team will work with franchisees on-site for a few days to further support the business launch.

“We focus heavily on content marketing and conduct a targeted press release program for each new location so that the public continues to see and hear the company’s name,” said Baskin. “We provide sales collateral, help the franchisee with customization,, design their website and so on. We assist with blogs, social media posts, newsletters and grassroots marketing training”.

Training does not stop once the business opens. Senior Care Authority continues to support its franchisees with various marketing and operational tools. In the first year, franchisees are required to host a Market Event to introduce themselves to their community, for example. “We have an ongoing group for franchisees to plan and meet in that first year phase to help them plan their Market Event,” Baskin said.

“The ongoing franchise support for training and mentoring continues to be a pivotal part of success for my business and new franchisees,” said Cale. “The experience of our corporate team, along with other franchisees willing to share their time and expertise, has been important in building my business.”

A Collaborative Learning Environment

Overall, the Senior Care Authority team is committed to supporting franchisees throughout the entire lifecycle of their business. 

“Our Franchise Support and Training team (there are five of us!) is available to franchisees all the time — that is our job,” said Baskin. “Most of the people coming into our network have never owned their own business.. We try to cover everything we have learned over the years, and recognize the “tight spots” which are different for everyone. ” We have seen enough scenarios to know where more support may be needed.

Similarly, Baskin says, the brand cultivates a supportive and tight-knit community among its franchise owners. The team recently implemented The New Franchisee Support Forum, for example, which meets once a month with new franchisees who are all within their first year of business. Having a place to share common successes and challenges greatly benefits all participants.  

“The beauty of our brand is the vast, varied and supportive existing franchise group, which creates an amazing network of business relationships that I continue to rely on to learn from, share experiences with and grow my business successfully,” said Cale. “I continue to expand my personal experiences and skill set all while being able to align my business with my values and goals. This exceptional environment is why I chose the Senior Care Authority franchise above all others in the marketplace.”

Baskin notes, “Franchisees learning from each other is the most powerful educational tool we can encourage. We have some very successful people of varying backgrounds in the network. Our business is all about relationships, and if you work those relationships, whether it is B2B, with other franchisees, competitors or clients, then you’ve got a powerful toolbox to help you create success..”

At the end of the day, Senior Care Authority’s comprehensive training and support system is designed to set franchisees up for success in a demanding industry. Baskin, an experienced entrepreneur and a Senior Care Authority franchisee herself, underscores the importance of following the established system. 

“I understand the day-to-day, the challenges and the joys of the business,” Baskin said. “The whole idea of buying a franchise is that we don’t make franchisees do anything, but we give them strategies and guidelines, a tried and true method of implementation. We try to create that Yellow Brick Road that will lead them to Oz.” 

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