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How One Multi-Unit Franchisee Resolves Store Issues By Stepping in As Acting Manager

Notable franchisee Curtis High steps in to coach his employees to success.

Curtis High knows the ins and outs of building a strong team.

For nearly two decades, High worked his way up the ladder of success with Yum! Brands, Inc., specifically with Pizza Hut, as a store and corporate trainer. Having a tedious commute to and from work, he eventually made the decision to enter the franchising industry with Saladworks.  

Nearly 10 years later, High has opened four Saladworks locations in various parts of Pennsylvania with business partner Jordan Rideout. During the past decade, he’s seen firsthand what works—and what doesn’t work—when it comes to operating a successful location. And perhaps most importantly, as a multi-unit franchisee, High has learned that’s he’s often unable to be at all his locations at all times, and instilling trust in his entire team, especially the General Managers, is crucial  

“I have to trust my team, especially the General Managers, to do the right things,” said High. “If you want to run a strong system you have to have a strong General Manager. When they give 50 percent, that’s what your store’s outcome will be.”

Through these experiences, High quickly realized that if any of his stores aren’t living up to their full potential, nothing can stop him from stepping in as acting manager to help turn things around. It was during the times when Curtis immersed himself in the day-to-day operations of his Saladworks locations that he realized one important lesson—working directly within your franchise is crucial to better understanding issues and operational challenges.

“Jordan [Rideout] and I are in our stores every day,” said High. “We hold our employees to our personal standards and are constantly coaching them to reach success.”

When it comes to taking a hands-on approach as a franchisee to keep his stores afloat, here are the three key lessons High has learned.

Hire the Right Individual

From having managers leave during a location’s peak hours to having employees that don’t live up to their potential, High has dealt with a variety of staffing issues over the years. To avoid an unsavory situation in the first place, High says it’s important to protect your restaurant by hiring only the best talent.

“I have learned that you must take the time to find the ideal candidate who can help you achieve your business goals,” said High. “Instead of throwing someone right into the action, we take our time. Even if it means taking on the responsibilities ourselves, we know that it will be worth it in the end.”

Realize the Difference Between Working For and Working With

If an owner isn’t actively engaged in the daily operations within a franchise’s system, it’s nearly impossible to properly identify and correct any issue that comes to the surface. That’s why, High lives by the motto, “You cannot coach what you do not see.”

“As the franchisee, it is important for me to witness every issue that comes to the surface,” said High. “I can’t correct a problem and coach my employees if I do not have all of the specifics.”

Motivation and Incentives Matter
Incentives motivate employees and inspire them to create a plan of action. When a store is under performing, High believes it’s important to incentivize the sales goals they need to hit.  As an owner, he provides his general managers with quarterly cash bonuses based off of how that store is performing when compared to last year’s same-store sales. So far, this program has proven itself time and time again. For example, in the middle of the month, he noticed one of his managers was on the low end of her sales numbers to receive her bonus. He feels the incentive pushed her the last two weeks of the month and motivated her to achieve her goals.

“If general managers hit his or her bonus, it’s a win-win for everyone,” said High.  “Not only do they receive the bonus, but it also helps me as an owner because my team is driven to meet and exceed their goals.”