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Restaurant Hospitality: Buffalo Wings & Rings Uses Unparalleled Customer Service to Drive Diner Loyalty

Treating every patron like they're family has helped Buffalo Wings & Rings turn casual diners into loyal lifers.

Food can only get you so far in the restaurant industry. Establishing second-to-none service will turn casual diners into loyal lifers. Recently, Restaurant Hospitality spoke with the best and brightest in the industry to gain insight into what sets a great server apart from the rest of the field, including Buffalo Wings & Rings server Amy Anderson - who says that a simple smile can go a long way.

"“If you treat each table like you’re already friends, it makes a very comfortable environment for the customer,” Anderson told Restaurant Hospitality. “I think it definitely makes a guest want to come back because they feel like they know you on a level deeper than just a server.” 

Anderson has been a server for 9 years, and joined the Buffalo Wings & Rings team in early 2016. 

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