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10 Big Mistakes Many Restaurant Owners & Managers Make

Avoid these mistakes to maintain a motivated and engaged workforce.

Today I'd like to share the 10 biggest mistakes restaurant owners make. These are mistakes that, if left unaddressed, ultimately lead to low motivation, low morale and a disengaged workforce. And as I'm sure you know, that spells trouble for your restaurant!

Whether you're an owner or a restaurant manager, I know running restaurants (or any business) can be daunting and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be like this!

If you focus on doing the right thing (not the easy thing), and you invest in your people and your processes, you'll have a happier, more productive and more successful team.

Biggest mistakes restaurant owners make:

  • Reactive not proactive when it comes to recruitment
  • No plan in place for orientation and onboarding
  • Employees aren't paid for training
  • Employees are pulled out of training too soon
  • No HR systems to run their restaurants
  • Wrongly categorize employees as independent contractors
  • They don't coach and develop their team
  • They discipline too frequently
  • They don't take ownership
  • They keep repeating the same mistakes, expecting things to change


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