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6 Common Wage And Hour Violations In The Restaurant Industry And How To Avoid Them

If you don’t pay close attention to the relevant rules and laws, you risk heavy fines, penalties and legal fees.

I know that trying to stay in line with all the state and federal HR guidelines can be overwhelming at times, but it’s vitally important to make sure you steer clear of wage and hour violations. If you don’t pay close attention to the relevant rules and laws, you risk heavy fines, penalties and legal fees. The first thing you need to do is make sure you’re well informed of these rules and laws, so that you can work on being 100% compliant.

So, what are 6 of the most common wage and hour violations that I see in the restaurant industry?

1. Misclassifying employees as independent contractors

2. Misclassifying non-exempt employees as exempt employees

3. Incorrectly calculating overtime

4. Incorrectly giving or tracking meal or rest periods

5. Not paying minimum wage

6. Not paying a final pay package correctly

Another thing to be aware of is that the laws can vary depending on which state you’re in, so again, being well informed on your state’s policies is the first step towards avoiding costly mistakes.

We’ve got all the information and answers you need about how to avoid wage and hour violations over on the Carrie Luxem membership platform under Compliance Updates. If you’re a member, just go to the membership area and log in to your account. If for any reason you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, or would like more info, don’t hesitate to reach out to Team CL on the dashboard and we’ll be happy to help!

If you’re not a member and you’d like to learn more, why not head over to our website today and see what it’s all about?