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Digital Marketing Strategies Tailored for Franchises

Digital platforms have emerged as powerful marketing tools for businesses to connect with their target audience, and franchises are leveraging and tailoring these as strategies for continued growth.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
8:08AM 06/16/24

With the impact digital marketing is having on businesses and their growth, franchises have begun adapting their strategies to leverage this channel for their own growth and expansion. 

1851 Franchise spoke with Marshal Davis, president and founder at Ascendly Marketing to better understand the best digital marketing strategies for franchises. From targeted advertising campaigns to engaging content creation, here's how franchises can tailor their digital marketing efforts for success.

Establish a Strong Online Presence

A robust online presence is a great foundation for any franchise's digital marketing strategy. By creating user-friendly websites and engaging social media profiles, franchises can effectively showcase their brand identity and offerings to potential customers. A well-designed website displays a franchise's online identity, allowing visitors to explore services and easily make contact. Moreover, the website should highlight the brand's unique value propositions and key differentiators to set it apart from competitors.

Also keep your target audience in mind. As a franchise, you’ll likely be speaking to members of your own community, so optimize your SEO with that in mind.

“Local SEO is key,” Davis said. “Franchises thrive on local customers. Each location needs a Google Business Profile optimized with accurate information and engaging content. This helps with local search rankings and drives foot traffic. And don't forget reviews.”

Davis also suggested making your site mobile-user friendly, as many consumers do their internet searching via their phone.

Leverage Targeted Advertising Campaigns

Targeted advertising campaigns play a pivotal role in reaching potential customers who are actively seeking the franchise's products or services. By harnessing platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising, franchises can tailor their messages to specific demographics, locations and interests, optimizing their advertising budget for maximum impact. Davis suggested geo-tracking as a particularly effective marketing tool.

“Focus your advertising efforts on the specific geographic areas where your franchise locations operate,” he said. “This ensures your ads reach the right audience and maximizes your return on investment.”

As AI continues to progress in its capabilities, the data it provides through loyalty apps is becoming more and more useful, meaning promotions can be personalized to an individual’s preferences.

Running various creative online options simultaneously allows franchises to gauge audience preferences and refine their marketing approach going forward.

Create Engaging Content

Content marketing helps brands establish authority in their niche and foster meaningful connections with their audience. By producing informative blog articles, entertaining videos and engaging social media posts, franchises can provide valuable insights to potential customers. Regularly sharing photos, product highlights and customer testimonials on social media platforms allows franchises to build a loyal community of followers and generate interest in their offerings. 

By continually creating new content, you have a better chance of catching the eye of someone who may have passed you by on their first glance. More content means more exposure. According to Davis, this is especially helpful in retargeting campaigns. 

“Add retargeting campaigns to re-engage website visitors who showed interest but didn't convert,” he said. “This can significantly improve lead generation and sales.”

Franchise owners should actively interact with their followers as well — by responding to comments or by posting polls and questions — to increase engagement and build a sense of community.

Stay Up-to-Date

Franchise owners must continuously adapt their strategies to evolving consumer behaviors and new technology in order to remain competitive in the market. By reading about what other brands are doing, looking at their online platforms or even discussing digital marketing strategies through networking or collaborative groups, franchises can inspire and educate one another. This means it’s important to take risks with new technology. By trying out new methods and analyzing the effects, a franchise can find which strategies work and which should be left behind.  

Collaborate with Digital Marketing Professionals

Digital marketing tools are readily accessible, but collaborating with experienced professionals in the field can significantly enhance a franchise's marketing efforts. Experts know how to leverage industry insights, optimize campaign performance and navigate the complexities of online advertising effectively. Beyond that, franchises can receive tailored guidance and strategic direction to effectively reach their target audience and achieve their business goals.

The Future of Marketing is Digital

Digital marketing offers unparalleled opportunities for franchises to expand their reach, engage with their audience and drive business growth. By establishing a strong online presence, leveraging targeted advertising campaigns, creating engaging content, staying up-to-date and collaborating with digital marketing professionals, franchises can effectively master digital marketing in the ever competitive world of franchising. 

If you want to learn more about marketing in the franchise industry, check out these resources: