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Franchisee Brings First Paris Baguette to Dearborn, Michigan Next Summer

Muhammad Zahr, a 26-year-old Cousins Maine Lobster franchisee, is gearing up for his next venture: opening up to 15 more Paris Baguette cafés.

Muhammed Zahr is bringing Paris Baguette*, the bakery café franchise with over 4,000 units around the world, to Dearborn, Michigan. The second, of a five-unit franchise agreement, is estimated to launch by the summer of 2024. 

At just 26 years old, Zahr has already owned and captured Retail businesses and is a contractor with Fedex logistics services. As well as franchising experience with Cousins Maine Lobster. On a training trip to California with Cousins Maine Lobster, Zahr noticed Paris Baguette. Impressed with the design, atmosphere and food quality, he immediately began researching the brand when he returned home.

With one bakery café open in Birmingham, Michigan and another in progress for Dearborn, Zahr is excited to fulfill the next three and has big plans to bring a total of 10 to 15 Paris Baguette cafés statewide so guests can enjoy the concept.

1851 Franchise: Frame your personal story for us. What did you do before franchising, and how did you decide franchising made sense for you?

Zahr: Before franchising with Paris Baguette specifically, I was and still am in the retail business with gas stations. I became a FedEx contractor and own six trucks. I first got into franchising with Cousins Maine Lobster. When I went to training in California for that opportunity, the Cousins food truck that we were working from was parked outside of a Paris Baguette, and it caught my attention.

I went inside and felt the community feel, and I loved the interior design. When I ate some pastries, I knew it wasn’t just show. When I came back home from training, I got some information, did my research and got in touch with the development team. I wanted to add to my franchise portfolio, and I knew Paris Baguette was a great option.

Paris Baguette made sense to me because it’s different. It’s easier than a mobile business because employees are easier to retain. They don’t have to drive to a different work location all the time. You also have the luxury of really capturing people and making them daily customers. 

1851: What was your perception of franchising prior to becoming a franchisee, and what do you want people to know about franchising now that you are in it?

Zahr: I learned at 24 that it was much easier to go the franchising route. Everybody complains that the franchisor takes royalties, but they have an excellent PR team, advertising and business model. You’re not doing everything from scratch. The royalties pay for themselves. The franchise model makes it easier to scale, which is my ultimate goal. I want to have 10 to 15 Paris Baguettes in Michigan.

1851: What made you pick this brand? What excites you most about this company?

Zahr: I love everything about it, from the name and color scheme to how they’re constantly advancing and making stores more efficient. Paris Baguette is constantly on top of things, and that’s what I love about them. If I email or call, someone answers. There is a quick turnaround, and things get taken care of.

1851: What do you hope to achieve with your business? What are your plans for growth? 

Zahr: I’m very passionate about what I do in terms of being an entrepreneur. I live and die to be successful, push brands and let everyone across the state experience something that they don’t have here. Paris Baguette is everywhere, and I feel like if I can bring 10 to 15 to Michigan and let people try the product, I’ll really be doing something with the company — giving people an experience.

I’m constantly trying to give other people opportunities, too. It’s awesome to see people that you grow up with becoming your business partner, making money and enjoying the brands with you. It’s a great feeling.

1851: What is the one thing about your story you want us to know?

Zahr: I just turned 26, and I’m an owner of five different types of businesses. I have multiple units. Sometimes people will look at me funny when they see who they’re speaking to based on my age, but I’ve realized over the years that I’ve also been able to gain a lot of respect for what I’m doing.

I used to feel as if people did not want to take me seriously being that I was young. Now, almost overnight, I’ve become someone that people want to join and work with. They like the models and ventures I am bringing to the state, and they want to be a part of it with me.

I’ve seen hard work and entrepreneurship all my life. My grandfather came here from overseas a long time ago, and he had nothing. He built himself up and passed that knowledge along to his kids. My dad is a prominent businessman. I want to follow in their footsteps. I have a background in accounting, and I use that to drive my businesses forward even further.

1851: What advice do you have for other people thinking about becoming a franchise owner?

Zahr: In general, don’t be so scared of franchise fees and royalties. If you find the right franchisor like Paris Baguette or Cousins Maine Lobster, they really care about you. You can contact anyone. They’re really looking to help you grow as a business and an individual. What more could you ask for? 

I look at 50 to 60 franchises a year and even go into talks with some, but it’s a gut feeling thing. When I saw that Paris Baguette was willing to take on a 24-year-old as a franchisee, I felt like they trusted me. You need to have a good feeling about the franchisor.

When I spoke with the development team, they didn’t just sound like they were trying to recruit anyone to be a franchisee. They were very selective. When you see that a company is diligent, that’s when you should realize that this is a company that might be a good franchise to keep pursuing.

Also, just follow the steps. The franchisor knows what they’re doing.

The total investment to franchise with Paris Baguette ranges from $652,565 to $1,750,900 including a $50,000 franchise fee. To find out more information on costs to buy this franchise, please visit or


Paris Baguette is a bakery café franchise with more than 4,000 units across the globe. The global brand first franchised in the U.S. in 2015 and has since established nearly 150 locations in markets across the country, making it one of the premier franchise opportunities in its category. Paris Baguette’s primary mission, executed every day by its expert staff of bakers, cakers and baristas, is to share moments of joy with guests and help guests share moments of joy with their friends and family by providing world-class cakes, pastries, coffees, breads and other French-inspired bakery café fare. To find out more information on costs to buy this franchise, please visit

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.


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