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Why the Franchise Model Looks Promising in the United Kingdom

According to industry expert Andrew Walters, the U.K.’s franchise market offers diverse opportunities, rapid growth potential and strong franchisor-franchisee partnerships.

By Chris IrbyCopy Editor
8:08AM 09/13/24

Franchising in the U.K. has become a dynamic and accessible business model, as highlighted in a recent article from Entrepreneur United Kingdom. The U.K.’s business-friendly environment and straightforward regulatory framework make it an ideal market for franchising. 

Andrew Walters, founder of Kindling Franchise Consultants, notes, “The U.K. is a thriving market for franchising and is very business-friendly,” which allows businesses to expand more easily compared to other countries.

Franchising provides a flexible structure, enabling entrepreneurs to scale quickly by leveraging the resources and talents of franchisees.  “When done correctly,” Walters said, “franchising helps new business owners to grow bigger, faster, and stronger — a significant advantage in today’s uncertain economic times.” 

The diversity of franchises available in the U.K., with opportunities at various price points, makes it possible for aspiring franchisees to find businesses that align with both their financial situation and personal interests.

For those new to franchising, Walters advises thorough research and a strong focus on compatibility with the franchisor. “You will be working hand in hand with the franchisor, so make sure you like them and their values and that it’s a business you can be passionate about,” he said. 

According to Walters, success in franchising comes from a well-established business model and a collaborative relationship between franchisor and franchisee. “Any good franchisor is driven by great franchisees,” he said. “They are the heartbeat of the business.”

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