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From Franchisee to Industry Leader: Justin Waltz Drives Innovation with The Junkluggers Franchise

Justin Waltz has become an influential leader in the junk removal industry. How? Through franchisee feedback and innovative practices that support sustainability.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
3:15PM 10/04/24

Justin Waltz's journey into franchising and his path to becoming brand president of The Junkluggers is rooted in nearly two decades of experience in the industry. Starting out as a franchisee himself, Waltz has developed a deep appreciation for the complexities and challenges that franchise owners face. His leadership philosophy revolves around the importance of feedback, believing that listening to franchisees is crucial for long-term success. He views franchisees as invaluable partners and their insights as vital to a company’s ability to evolve and thrive.

Waltz was recently featured on an episode of the “Meet the Zor” podcast, where he spoke with 1851 Franchise Founder and Publisher Nick Powills about his strategy as a franchisor and his journey with Junkluggers.

Waltz's career path has been versatile; though he began in the restaurant industry, he eventually made the move into junk removal. This led to multiple roles in franchising where he supported several founders and worked closely with emerging and established brands. He understands the significance of maintaining a founder mentality — a mindset that prioritizes the original vision and values of a company — particularly when navigating the pressures of rapid growth or private equity involvement. According to Waltz, brands fail when they overlook franchisee input and adopt a top-down approach, neglecting the very people who have invested their life savings into the business.

At The Junkluggers — where Waltz is now in his third "tour of duty" in the junk removal space — he continues to apply these principles. He has helped position the company as an innovative, eco-minded leader in the junk removal industry. The Junkluggers is focused on sustainability, with a strong commitment to keeping items out of landfills through its eco-friendly initiatives. His goal is to build a "dream team" of franchisees who are hungry for success and aligned with the company's mission of community service and environmental responsibility. 

A transcript of Waltz’s interview with Powills has been included below. It has been edited for clarity, brevity and style.

Nick Powills: What's your franchise story? How did you fall into franchising?

Justin Waltz: Thanks for having me, Nick. This is actually my third time working in the junk removal space. I grew up in the entrepreneurial world of the restaurant business, but my father was adamant that I not follow in his footsteps. So in 2005, I ended up working as a truck driver for 1-800-GOT-JUNK as my exit from the restaurant industry. That's how I discovered franchising, starting from the ground up.

Powills: Is the magic in the product or the infrastructure when it comes to businesses like restaurants, junk removal or swim schools?

Waltz: Great question. Whether it's restaurants, fitness, home services or junk removal, I think of it like running a Broadway production. The magic lies in how you create a great experience and customer care. It's not always about the product itself — it's about how you make people feel in the moment. Culture and performance have been key drivers in my career. Even in highly commoditized businesses, customer care is more important than ever.

Powills: You seem to focus heavily on making things easier for franchisees. How do you approach that?

Waltz: Absolutely. Frictionless franchising is key. We focus on reducing backend costs and operational tasks for franchisees so they can focus on the revenue-generating side of the business. For example, we provide solutions to reduce the need for administrative support or customer service hires, which allows franchisees to invest more in their front-line employees. The more efficient the franchisee can be, the more profitable they are. We also help with revenue generation by pushing down work to franchisees and providing them with data and resources to succeed from day one.

Powills: You talk about creating a frictionless experience for customers. How do you apply that to the franchisee side of the business?

Waltz: It’s all about support and removing barriers. When franchisees know what to expect — from marketing to operations — it eases their experience. For example, providing a clear marketing plan or offering ongoing training ensures they feel supported every step of the way. I often say, "I bet on the jockey, not the horse," because success in franchising comes down to the people running it, not just the product or service. If we make the franchisee’s experience frictionless, they’re more likely to perform at a higher level.

Powills: Labor costs have skyrocketed in recent years. How do you address that in the home services industry?

Waltz: Labor is one of the biggest cost increases post-COVID, and it’s crucial for franchisees to invest in their front-line employees rather than in back-end administrators. We work to create operational efficiencies that reduce the need for back-end support so franchisees can focus on the employees who drive revenue. We also generate additional revenue for franchisees by providing leads and work opportunities, which allows them to ramp up profitably, especially in the critical first 18 months of the business.

Powills: With your extensive experience, do you feel like this is your chance to make the "Justin way" work in this business?

Waltz: Definitely. I’ve always been a dreamer with a strong work ethic, and over the years, I’ve learned to understand my strengths and weaknesses. This opportunity came at the right time, after nearly two decades of franchising experience. Building a strong leadership team, knowing where you need support and focusing on operational excellence are key. I’ve also learned a lot from moving into the private equity world, where the pace and pressure are much higher.

Powills: How do you balance the pressure from private equity with running a franchise organization?

Waltz: Private equity brings intense pressure to deliver results quickly, but it also presents opportunities to grow. You have to grind for years, but when the time is right, you leap. Our partnership with Authority Brands has matured our organization and we’ve built a platform that provides excellent support for our franchisees. It’s not about junk removal specifically — it’s about creating operational efficiency and providing a frictionless experience for both franchisees and customers.

Powills: What happens when the founder or founder mentality is removed from a business?

Waltz: The brand dies when you pull out the founder mentality, not necessarily the founder themselves. Franchisees buy into a business for two main reasons: the culture and the business opportunity. Private equity often pushes for fast growth without understanding what that means. They sometimes treat franchises like a simple product instead of recognizing it as a serious investment for franchisees. When you combine founder mentality with strong financial backing, the business can be very successful, as it keeps the franchisee’s well-being as the North Star.

Powills: How important is it for franchisees to have a voice in the business?

Waltz: It's crucial. Franchisees have often risked their life savings to invest in a business, and their feedback is invaluable. Many success stories in franchising, such as the creation of the Big Mac, stem from franchisee input. Failing to listen to franchisees can lead to missed opportunities and, ultimately, failure. For example, Blockbuster didn’t listen to market feedback and lost their entire category.

One great example is Starbucks’ Frappuccino. An assistant manager in Southern California came up with the idea, but initially, the CEO, Howard Schultz, rejected it, saying, "We don't sell milkshakes." Today, the Frappuccino makes up close to 50% of Starbucks' summer sales. This shows the importance of testing new ideas and listening to feedback, even when they initially seem off-brand.

Powills: What advice do you have for emerging or legacy brands in franchising?

Waltz: Whether you're an emerging brand or a legacy one, it's tough out there, but franchising makes your business better. One thing I’ll never shy away from is franchisee feedback. Even if there are franchisees who need to be exited, you need to listen and evolve. The collective voice of franchisees is invaluable.

Powills: What makes Junkluggers stand out in the junk removal industry?

Waltz: Junkluggers is innovating the world of junk removal by being eco-minded, customer-centric and data-driven. I've been in the business for 19 years and I can confidently say we're the hungriest company in this space. We focus on reducing landfill waste by diverting nearly 50% more than anyone else. Our leadership team is strong, our franchisees are hungry and we’re here to dominate the industry. If you want to join us, I’m open to connecting with anyone interested.

Powills: What are some trends you’re noticing in the marketplace that impact your business?

Waltz: Several trends point to growth opportunities for us, including the aging population of boomers downsizing, the increasing volume in storage units, the Amazon mentality of frequent buying and tossing, and the eco-friendly movement. People are holding onto their stuff, but they’re also more conscious of waste. We're well-positioned to meet these needs.

Powills: What is your closing message to potential buyers?

Waltz: We're here to stay and we’re coming for our competitors. Junkluggers is evolving and we’re ready to dominate the industry. If you're interested in joining a forward-thinking, eco-friendly junk removal company, I’d love to hear from you. Reach out to me directly.

Watch the full interview on YouTube.

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