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How Facial Franchise Heyday Is Satisfying Growing Millennial Demand for Skincare Specialists

With more than 70% of its clients under the age of 35, Heyday understands what millennials want in skincare.

By Chris LaMorte1851 Franchise Editor
Updated 10:10AM 05/26/21

Heyday, a rapidly growing skincare franchise with locations in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, has attracted a young customer demographic in a big way. Today, the company says that 70% of its clients are under the age of 35 and are attracted to the company’s clear and singular niche: facials. 

That’s because Millennials and Gen Z have a different outlook than their parents when it comes to skincare. Ironically, it is their parents who taught them the importance of taking care of their skin. In 1988, the FDA officially approved the first sun protection factor (“SPF”) lotion to help combat the effects of prolonged sun exposure. Parents quickly took note and started to apply sunscreen on their children before they ventured outside. As a result, younger generations are more likely to consider skincare an integral part of one’s overall wellness and self-care, more than simply a special beauty splurge. 

As children of Baby Boomers, this younger generation tends to be skincare savvy and highly engaged with expert advice gathered from social media platforms as well as through in-person specialists like Heyday

“My mom was part of the Baby Boomer generation,” said esthetician Alexandra Serron, 32, a regional trainer with Heyday. “She would go to the beach with baby oil and iodine. Today it’s different. People are more aware of the importance of keeping their skin healthy and protected, and they’re looking for the best ways to do that.”

Gen Z, which comprises a whopping 32% of the global population, is even more skin-conscious. They are 10% more likely to have a facial care routine than Millennials, with 3 in 4 stating they began using a facial moisturizer and cleanser before the age of 18, according to a recent study of Gen Z consumer habits.

As a result, the skincare industry has changed. “The skincare space has exploded and expanded in terms of technology, ingredients, tools and modalities currently available for people to achieve their skincare goals,” Serron said. “No matter what skin goal you’re trying to achieve, correct, alleviate or prevent, there’s a solution that can be personalized to every skin type.”

Heyday has found huge success by speaking and marketing directly to this booming customer base. 

“Currently, there is a large gap in the skincare industry that is not addressing the problems and needs of a large portion of the U.S. population,” said Sean Bock, President of Franchising at Heyday. “We found our path to success by providing the kind of personalized skincare treatments that today’s clients are looking for, and offering those services in a way that’s approachable, affordable and accessible.”

As part of its approach, Heyday has taken the facial out of the day spa to make it a regularly scheduled part of life and the sole focus of the business. Leaning into technology, Heyday makes it easier than ever for clients to schedule appointments, pay for services and shop for products from the comfort of their own home.

And this is just the beginning for the brand. “The size of the demographic coming into the skincare market right now is incredible, and that’s what makes Heyday so exciting,” said Bock. “We see the potential of simply focusing on a specific treatment, the facial, and creating an entirely personalized experience that’s unique for every customer and their specific skincare needs. We want Heyday to become the single trusted brand leader within this space.” 

Serron agrees that as an esthetician, the tight focus is a game-changer for the industry. “When I started at Heyday, I felt like a kid in a candy store,” she said. “I was previously at a full-service salon and handled everything from facials to waxing and other treatments. When I heard about Heyday and its focus solely on facials, that was a huge draw for me. I could step away from the other services that I didn’t enjoy as much and instead turn my full attention to providing personalized skincare for each customer.”  

Serron views herself as a skincare therapist, an expert her clients can contact at any time to talk about their needs, from moisturizer to breakouts. “You develop a special connection with your clients and they turn to you for guidance and advice. That’s truly what I love about this industry - the impact that you are able to make on people’s lives and their overall sense of wellbeing and confidence.”

The company is currently targeting expansion in the top 54 major metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Phoenix, Denver, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, New York and Boston, among other large U.S. cities. Start-up costs range from $574,000 to $755,500. Learn more about franchise opportunities here:

About Heyday

Heyday is a fast-growing skincare company on a mission to provide expert skincare that empowers everyone to be their best self. Through a fleet of industry-leading physical stores, Heyday has made the facial experience more accessible and helps consumers achieve their skincare goals with the knowledge and care of talented estheticians. Heyday is changing how we take care of our skin, redefining the future of the skincare industry for the modern consumer.


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