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How JAN-PRO Franchise Development™ Supports Regional Developers’ Financial Success

Starting a business as a JAN-PRO Regional Developer in an undeveloped territory allows business leaders and executives to leverage their skills to build an income without being beholden to corporate America.

By Luca Piacentini1851 Franchise Managing Editor
SPONSOREDUpdated 12:12PM 03/06/23

JAN-PRO Franchise Development™, the franchise system that manages regional professional offices and provides certification, ongoing coaching, and administrative support to independently owned JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting franchisees, is centered around the concept of Building Business Owners. That is why the JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model has been designed as a dynamic financial opportunity with the potential for recurring revenue, strong cash flow, low fixed costs, attractive equity, and an essential, community-based business. 

“A JAN-PRO Regional Developer is in the business of business,” said Joe Sloyan, Vice President of Franchise Development. “Simply put, Regional Developers run professional offices with salespeople, marketing professionals and support staff that provide coaching and consultative services to JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting certified franchisees who in turn provide the commercial cleaning services to their clients. The ideal Regional Developer is a business-minded person who wants to build wealth by joining an exclusive club of savvy entrepreneurs who are helping others build their own cleaning businesses. Our Regional Developers want a business that fits their skills, today’s market, and the environment. ”

Sloyan says there are four core components that best explain the dynamic financial opportunity of the JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive business model and how it positions Regional Developers for success. 

  1. Recurring Revenue and Multiple Revenue Streams

The JAN-PRO Franchise Development business is centered around three key pillars: 

  • Acquiring JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting certified unit franchisees in an allocated protected territory 
  • Providing business-level support, including coaching, certification in brand standards, and administrative support, including billing and collection services to acquired JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting certified unit franchisees 
  • Providing sales & marketing services in support of client acquisition for commercial cleaning services on behalf of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting certified unit franchisees 

By providing support for JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting certified franchisees that are operating within the $75.6 billion janitorial and cleaning service industry, Regional Developers can take advantage of the cleaning segment’s recurring revenue streams, without having to worry about doing any of the cleaning themselves. 

“Once we secure a customer, we maintain that customer, week after week, month after month,” said Sloyan. “Regional Developers are not out there every day having to find customers for their certified business owners. The same customers come back five or six times a week. That is very attractive from a business perspective.”

The customer retention rate for the JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting services that certified business owners provide to their customers is over 98%, which is remarkable and significantly above the industry average, Sloyan says. Recurring revenue and having the scale to develop infrastructure while serving franchisees allows Regional Developers to enjoy a more balanced life with their family and friends, while making a difference in the community.

Similarly, Sloyan says Regional Developers benefit from access to multiple revenue streams, including not only the sale of franchises, but also the ongoing royalties. In addition, they earn a commission on securing accounts for their franchisees to service and earn money from the sales of equipment, approved products, and JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting branded clothing. 

  1. Scalability

The JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model is a uniquely scalable opportunity as it allows Regional Developers to continually add independent franchisees to the model, allowing them to acquire more work without having to expand their own infrastructure. 

“As you grow with other businesses, you often need to buy another truck, lease another building, etc.,” said Sloyan. “But the JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model is much more scalable because you are essentially acting as a sub-franchisor that is providing coaching, guidance, and business support systems to JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting franchisees. A regional franchise developer adds customers and certified business owners as opposed to heavy fixed costs. If you want to build in one market and expand to another, you can keep growing without adding those fixed costs.”

Best of all, there is no limit to increasing the franchise owner base or customer base within a protected territory.

“There is no ceiling on how big you can grow your business or that of your franchisee’s businesses,” says Gary Bauer, Brand President, JAN-PRO Systems International. “We have Regional Developers that have hundreds of certified business owners that service hundreds of clients. We have been doing this for a long time, and many of our Regional Developers have been with us for decades. We know exactly what it takes to help our Regional Developers grow their businesses and build a bright future of their own making.”

  1. Solid Cash Flow 

As with any attractive dynamic financial opportunity, Sloyan says we understand that the key is strong cash flow. 

“The saying goes: revenue is good, profitability is better, but cash flow is everything,” said Sloyan. “Whether it be selling independent unit franchises, collecting the royalty, or client acquisitions on behalf of the independently owned unit franchisee, the cash flow is incredible.”

And in general, the JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model requires a much lower capital investment than many other franchise opportunities. The total cost to purchase ranges from $127,500 - $769,0000, and this includes everything Regional Developers need to get started: office space, marketing, and franchise licensing fees. This number also includes the working capital needed to get the business up and running.  

“You are working out of a small office, which is typically a lease with an option to purchase and requires little to no customization, and you don’t have a big overhead like you would with other brick-and-mortar offices,” said Sloyan. “Most highly regarded franchise opportunities require a large, fixed-cost investment in expensive equipment, inventory, facility customization, and/ or prime expensive locations. Brick-and-mortar fixed costs significantly raise your break-even and profitability points. You want to make your money work for you. You can put that capital into developing the market and your team.”

  1. Equity and Exit Planning

Regional Developers tend to be in it for the long haul — they want to grow faster, become more profitable, and build an organization that will provide greater equity for themselves and their families for generations to come. That is why the JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive model is built with the end in mind — Regional Developers can feel confident they are building a business that will have strong equity upon exiting in the future. 

“When you get into business ownership, you need to look at how the business can be sold after you are done building it, similar to buying a house,” said Sloyan. “The JAN-PRO Franchise Development executive business model is a proven financial investment that sells at significant measurable multiples. Regional Developers benefit from protected territories, which increases the value of their business.”

Today, JAN-PRO Franchise Development territories are 94% placed in the U.S. and Canada because Regional Developers have protective rights to their territories. Most available territories today are in secondary markets and smaller cities, such as Des Moines, Albuquerque, Reno or Wichita. The states of Hawaii and Alaska are also currently available for development.  

“Take advantage of a dynamic financial opportunity that can help you realize your dream of business ownership,” said Sloyan. “This is an executive-level business model that employs your leadership and management skills, provide tremendous unit-level economics, boundless growth potential, and the ability to reap the rewards of being a business owner.”

The total cost necessary to invest in JAN-PRO Franchise Development ranges from $127,500 to $769,0000. For more information, visit:

*No JAN-PRO Franchise Development™ or JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting™ franchise will be sold to any resident of a jurisdiction requiring registration of the franchise before it is sold, until the offering has been exempted from the requirements of, or duly registered in and declared effective by that jurisdiction and any required Franchise Disclosure Document has been delivered to the prospective franchisee before the sale in compliance with applicable law.


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