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How To Apologize If You've Messed Up - A Leader's Guide!

Recognizing mistakes and learning to make a sincere apology are skills every manager needs to have.

By Carrie Luxem1851 Franchise Contributor
Updated 10:10AM 07/27/21

We know the importance of putting our best foot forward, having an open and optimistic mindset, and being authentic in our actions.

What is more challenging, though, is recovering gracefully when we falter and mustering the courage to apologize sincerely.

And that will happen, manifested as an off-day, words spoken in haste or a wrong decision.

The ability to admit when you've made a mistake is one of the characteristics of a good leader.

If you refuse to recognize your mess-ups and make amends, employees, customers, and/or business partners will be less invested in continuing the relationship and more willing to walk away.

When you need to make a sincere apology:

  • Acknowledge what you said or did was wrong.
  • Take the time to apologize.
  • Ask those impacted how you can make the situation better.
  • Consider following up with a handwritten note.
  • Change the behavior that got you to this point.


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