How To Build an Employee Reward & Recognition Program
It's easier than you think.
It doesn’t take weeks, months or even an HR consultant to build an employee reward and recognition program.
You can have one in place today.
It is critical that your business consistently recognize and reward your employees so that they feel empowered and appreciated.
Here are just a few ideas for how to recognize and reward your employees:
- Give shout-outs for a job well done.
- Sing happy birthday (yes really). And cake is fun too.
- Tickets for concerts, movies, shows.
- Lunch with the leader (manager, DM, CEO, etc.).
- Include employees in a project.
- Pizza or donut party.
- Feature star employees on social media.
- Handwritten thank-you note.
- Lunch ‘n’ learn meetings.
- Flexible work schedule.
- Encourage peer to peer recognition.
- Promote health and wellness.
- Share employees’ great ideas with the whole team.
- Do something to surprise your team.
- Say thank you often.
- Celebrate personal accomplishments or milestones.
- Ask for and implement their feedback.
- Find out their goals (and help them achieve them).