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Inspired by Filipino Heritage, New Franchisees Brings Seniors Helping Seniors® to Orange County

After nearly 20 years in the nonprofit sector, Danielle Tolentino Tuason brings her lifelong passion for caring for seniors and her Filipino cultural values to her new franchise.

For Danielle Tolentino Tuason, entrepreneurship has always been a dream. After nearly two decades in the nonprofit sector and a focus on executive leadership, she decided she was ready to start a business in her community. With a strong background in public administration and a lifelong passion for helping others, Tuason found the perfect match in Seniors Helping Seniors, the franchise that provides professional in-home care services and heartfelt companionship for seniors.

Deeply rooted in her Filipino culture, where caring for elders is a fundamental value, Tuason is now channeling her skills and dedication into providing top-notch senior care in her community. With her husband Chris by her side, she is eager to make a lasting impact in Orange County, becoming a key contributor to the local community and positioning Seniors Helping Seniors as the top senior care brand in Southern California.

1851 Franchise recently spoke with Danielle and Chris to learn more about their journey, their decision to franchise and their plans for the future. 

1851 Franchise: Frame your personal story for us. What did you do before franchising, and how did you decide franchising made sense for you?

Danielle Tolentino Tuason: I worked for almost 20 years in the nonprofit industry. I’ve always had a passion for business, and the idea was to bring a mission to life. I also earned a master’s degree in public administration. Towards the end of my career, I focused on executive leadership for organizations. From a young age, I knew I wanted to create something for the community, which is why I pursued my undergraduate degree in entrepreneurship. I always knew it would be part of my life.

Chris Tuason: Danielle and I were high school sweethearts, and we always talked about opening a business together. In high school and college, we loved learning about business and competed in business competitions together as student members of Future Business Leaders of America.  It was this experience that instilled in us key leadership principles and a strong network of like minded individuals to help us grow personally and professionally. When the time was right, we decided to take this leap of starting a business together.

1851: What was your perception of franchising prior to becoming a franchisee, and what do you want people to know about franchising now that you are in it?

Danielle: In college, we learned the same lessons any business graduate would learn, but with a focus on entrepreneurship. We worked on consulting projects for local businesses, which gave us hands-on learning. I realized that my strength was taking existing concepts and growing them. When it came time to launch this business, I knew my entrepreneurial style would involve finding a great service or product and bringing it to the community. As first-time entrepreneurs, I liked the idea of having an instant system and guidance every step of the way.

1851: What made you pick this brand? What excites you most about this company?

Chris: Seniors Helping Seniors was a perfect match for us. The mission resonated with us right away. Growing up in Filipino culture, where we are very supportive of our seniors, this felt natural. We also personally relate to the families seeking quality care for their loved ones. I discovered the challenges that caring for a senior loved one presents when my father was diagnosed with cancer in 2015. When we were introduced to the Seniors Helping Seniors® model, we realized immediately how beneficial the brand’s support would have been for us, and how important this support is for others experiencing similar circumstances.

Danielle: And now, Chris’ mother lives with us, and my children have their grandmother around all the time, just like how I grew up. I’ve been caring for seniors my entire life, so when we learned about this brand and saw the need in our community, it all made sense. We were moved by the mission — people helping people. You can see the growing need for this in our community, especially here in Orange County.

1851: What do you hope to achieve with your business? What are your plans for growth?

Danielle: What really pushed me to take this entrepreneurial leap was my frustration with seeing people in the nonprofit space not having the funds to do the great things they wanted to do. They usually have to partner with businesses, so I thought, “Why can’t I be one of those businesses?” Our big goal is to become philanthropists in the community and create opportunities for people who have needs. We also want SHS to be the top senior care brand in Southern California, and we’ll do everything we can to make that happen.

1851: What is the one thing about your story you want us to know?

Danielle: A big part of why this feels so natural to us is our Filipino culture. There is a Filipino saying known as “Isang Bagsak” in which the literal translation is “One Fall" - The meaning behind it is when one person in our community falls, we all fall. Conversely, when one person rises, we all rise. If you look at a community as a whole, everyone is connected.  My neighbor, for example - she is a senior and if she's struggling, then we are all struggling because we are all one.  It is a saying that promotes unity and reminds us that to be strong, we must take care of one another. We must take care of our seniors. That's what helps communities thrive.

1851: What advice do you have for other people thinking about becoming a franchise owner?

Danielle: Why didn’t I do this sooner? If you’re considering doing it later, my advice is: why not now? Every step of the way, someone has come alongside me and helped me. They’ve answered questions and given me pep talks. Especially in the franchise world, it’s very supportive because everyone wants to see you succeed. No one ever feels completely ready, but you’ll find that when you enter this world, there are a lot of people who want to help you be successful.


Seniors Helping Seniors® franchise system was founded by husband-and-wife duo Kiran and Philip Yocom. Kiran, who grew up in India, later worked to advance humanitarian efforts alongside Mother Teresa. After Kiran moved to the U.S. in 1995 and married her husband Philip, the Yocoms felt called to provide loving care to seniors and to cultivate an exchange of gifts at every generational level. Together, the Yocoms founded Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services in 1998, opening the brand up to franchising in 2006. With a mission to be the most respected and rewarding homecare provider in the U.S., Seniors Helping Seniors® locations stand apart from competitors as the only company that prioritizes hiring active seniors to provide care services to their less-active counterparts. Seniors Helping Seniors® service aligns caregivers and care recipients based on the abilities and needs of both by offering a wide range of care services. Seniors Helping Seniors® network has grown to 200-plus locations, 125 franchise partners in 30-plus states and international markets. For more information on Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home care, visit  


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