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How a Franchisee Background Influences Investment and Potential Earnings

Why franchisees are investing in brands they know will use their skill set and result in success.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 2:14PM 06/28/17

It is vital that a potential franchisee feels he or she has a clear understanding of the potential for success with each concept being evaluated. This evaluation process plays out differently for each individual and depends on a variety of factors and what he or she defines as “success.”

For Kathy Samargedlis of Mosquito Joe of Franklin-Norwood, the appeal of a business that could be operated out of the home without the necessary initial investment in a brick and mortar location created a major attraction point to the Mosquito Joe brand.

“The ability to operate the business from home was huge when looking at making the investment. We did not need the capital upfront to open a brick and mortar store,” Samargedlis said. “Couple this with the ability to reach customers within a far range with the van and the earnings potential is clear.”  

Samargedlis’ background in office management and accounting also played into her decision to work with the Mosquito Joe brand. The ability to handle the day to day tasks from home that she had experience with while sending trusted technicians out into the field set her up with a format with which she knew she could succeed.

“I am able to operate the business by using my skill set from past positions. I can manage the daily requirements of running the business on my own from home and optimize on my strengths, while the technicians represent us in the field,” Samargedlis said.

GYMGUYZ franchisee Aaron Behrens of Bethlehem, PA echoed Samargedlis’ viewpoint of investing in a franchise concept that he knew he could be successful with due to his background. Behrens himself has worked in the fitness industry for about fifteen years owning a chain of health clubs. Despite the clear difference between operating a mobile gym versus a brick and mortar one, he was confident that his industry background and understanding would set him up for success.

“Of course, at the end of the day the numbers are the top factor for potential earnings. But for me, the opportunity to build upon my background and continue to do what I love was something I could really wrap my arms around. “Behrens said. “I have a passion to help people improve their lives and the ability to continue doing this was something I could really drive those earnings home with.”

Behrens also discussed the earnings benefit of investing in a working with a concept when it is on the rise and just emerging, instead of already at its peak. He knew that GYMGUYZ was reaching a previously untapped market

“I am always keeping my eyes open for what is next in fitness. Only 18% of the population goes and works out at a gym and people are only getting busier, meaning this percentage is not growing. The mobile fitness concept allows you to step outside of this 18% and reach those who are not making it to the gym,” Behrens said. “The ability to reach a whole new market is what GYMGUYZ is built off of and it is a concept on the rise, making it the perfect time to get involved and be a part of it.”

Pita Pit franchisee John Crossley in Carrollton, GA echoed the importance of investing in a concept when it is on the rise. As a young franchisee fresh out of college, Crossley himself did not have much experience in the operation of a customer service-based business. For him, it was important that he felt confident in the concept he was choosing to invest in and that it was emerging as a leader in its space and quickly evolving. This factor was especially important to him because he was making the investment at a younger age than most.

“The potential for growth and earnings was very clear to me from the get go, even from my college age,” Crossley said. “When you stop by and lines are constantly out the door, you know you are doing something right. From a demographic standpoint, they were hitting the age group right on by being one of the only places in college towns that were open late night after the bars close, let alone healthy places.”

Crossley discovered the Pita Pit brand through field research of what concepts were resonating with a certain age demographic - his own. This was his version of using his background to build the business. During visits to other college campuses, it was clear to him that he was getting into a concept that resonates and would continue to do so. The ability to create additional revenue streams with Pita Pita also demonstrated to Crossley the potential earnings the brand possessed.

“In addition to the late-night revenue stream, we offer delivery and catering options. Those are two revenue streams that many restaurant concepts do not offer. They may offer on or the other, but we encompass everything,” Crossley said. “The clear potential for earnings due to Pita Pit’s emerging concept and multiple platforms for reaching customers made my investment decision an easy one.”

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.