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Ohio Mosquito Joe Franchisees See Increase in Mosquito Activity Due to Higher Rainfall

Cleveland and Toledo-based business owners reflect on their 2018 season and discuss strategies to prepare for the 2019 season.

While many areas across the U.S. were hit with higher than average rainfall in 2018, the Midwest was one of the most heavily impacted. Heavy rain resulted in pools of standing water which contributed to a greater population of mosquitoes. Due to this weather, mosquito control company Mosquito Joe saw mosquito seasons extended compared to previous years.

Peak season normally lasts from May until September for Ohio-based franchisees Dan Nicastro and Cory Eckel. In 2018, it was extended into the late summer months thanks to a heightened concern for mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Nicastro, whose Mosquito Joe territory is in the suburban Cleveland area, researched rainfall data and noted that July of this year was the sixth wettest in Ohio history.

Historically, referrals are the number one source of new customers for Nicastro’s business, and this was definitely the case in 2018. “We had a steady stream of inbound new customer activity this year,” Nicastro said.

Eckel, whose franchise serves the greater Toledo metropolitan area, also saw the season run longer than usual in 2018 due to increased rainfall.

“As long as we have warmer temperatures, our customers will ask us to protect their properties because they want to comfortably use their outdoor spaces,” Eckel said. “It was a very wet year, certainly wetter than last year, and mosquitoes thrive in wet, warm conditions. It was basically the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes in 2018. We had our busiest year ever due to a combination of our regular customers and new people who were seeking out our services due to the increased mosquito population.”

Mosquito Joe provides barrier treatment services to customers, helping to give people peace of mind when they’re spending time outdoors with their families.

“We have a barrier spray that helps protect our customers while they use their yards,” Eckel said. “Mosquito Joe wants people to enjoy using their outdoor space without having to worry about the growing concern for West Nile Virus and other mosquito-borne illnesses. The barrier spray makes our customers feel more comfortable.”

As Eckel and Nicastro prepare for 2019, proper employee training is crucial in their plans to continue providing excellent customer service to their territories.

Eckel is focused on sending employees to advanced training seminars during the off-season and plans to grow his franchise’s fleet of vehicles and equipment. He will also expand his service area with a second territory that will cover more of the south and west areas of Toledo.

Nicastro noted that while his team may have been regularly treating certain yards for the past three or four years, him and his team intend on being extra thorough in 2019.

“A lot of people have added extensions to their downspout and a lot of times that water doesn’t make it down the extension, so if they don’t drill we find a lot of water and debris,” Nicastro said. “We’ll make sure we do a better job of pointing that out. We try to be as consistent as possible with our training and how we go about treating people’s property and knowing everything possible there.”

To learn more about franchising with Mosquito Joe, visit

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