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Pizzeria Uno’s Marketing Director Talks Franchise Revival

The Head of Marketing for Pizzerio Uno discusses the brand’s push for new locations following a decade of franchising silence.

By Jeff DwyerStaff Writer
SPONSORED 2:14PM 02/16/23

Pizzeria Uno, the neighborhood pizza franchise with around 100 units, saw a record year in 2022 as the brand undergoes an aggressive expansion plan.

The brand’s Head of Marketing, Chris Dellamarggio, recently spoke with Bloomberg’s Baystate Business podcast about why Pizzeria Uno is now expanding after going over a decade without adding any domestic franchise locations.

As part of their expansion plan, Dellamarggio says, the franchise has begun turning traffic at hotel restaurants into a franchising opportunity. Essentially, he says, the brand is working with hotel owners to turn hotel-based dining rooms into sit-down Pizzeria Uno locations. 

Pizzeria Uno opened five new franchise locations in 2022, and by the end of 2023, is seeking to open between 10 and 15 units, with more to come in the following years.

Hear more about the franchise’s growth by clicking here


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