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Scoop Soldiers Allows Multi-Unit Franchisees to Build a Lucrative, Impactful Business

The pet waste removal franchise provides a scalable opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to increase territory count and streams of revenue.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 7:07AM 11/29/23

Scoop Soldiers, the 40-plus-territory pet waste removal — or as it's more commonly known, pooper scooper — franchise, has proven to be an ideal business opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to scale effectively. The nature of the business model lends itself to relatively accessible expansion assuming a franchisee commits to the system and works to build the strongest business possible, and brother-sister duo Andrew Entwistle and Heather Harrington are a prime example of this type of success.

“The financial gain associated with expansion is valid, but the thing that we care a lot about is our impact on the community,” said Harrington. “We care about the people we employ and how we operate as a business — doing it with integrity and transparency. Those things are really important to us, so the more places we can do that in… how cool is that?”

Entwistle and Harrington launched their business in Texas, and once they established a strong baseline, they began considering expansion to additional territories to drive revenue while expanding their geographical reach and offering additional employment opportunities.

“The expansion came pretty naturally. It was almost the luck of the draw,” said Entwistle. “The territories around us were available, and because Heather and I have experience from working with corporate, I think that helped alleviate some of the nerves that you might have with the first expansion. It was a very easy decision.”

Because Scoop Soldiers is primarily a mobile business, scaling can be more accessible than it is with a business that requires a large brick-and-mortar office or an intricately designed retail storefront. The investment required to take on a new territory and acquire the staff and materials required to service it is smaller, and the revenue and exposure potential it unlocks is still notable.

“Andrew and Heather are a great example of what our franchisees can achieve when they continue to reinvest in their businesses,” said E.J. McCoy, CEO of Scoop Soldiers. “They have established a great footprint in Texas with a loyal customer base and a strong team of techs, and they now have plans to expand into new states. We’re proud of how well Andrew and Heather represent the Scoop Soldiers brand, and we’re excited to have created a system that empowers entrepreneurs like them to build such powerful businesses.”

As they grow, the pair has been intentional about maintaining a slightly overstaffed team to ensure they can adequately service new territories and account for any adjustments in the daily schedule should a client’s needs change or technicians need a schedule change. With this growth, Harrington explained, has also come an ability to support the technicians more thoroughly and build a very content team of people who will provide a great service to the client.

This, in turn, has allowed the pair access to employee referrals that grow the team, and as branded Scoop Soldiers trucks go from job to job across wider ranges, brand awareness grows, and customer count follows.

With an incredible base in Texas, the pair is now looking to make the leap to Colorado with plans to establish an equally large — and successful — operation in the state.

“It’s kind of like what parents say about having more kids: after the second or third, it’s all the same,” explained Harrington. “We know what we’re doing. We have the resources, staff and money to put into these new territories, so we’re confident we’ll be fine. So much of what Andrew and I do is talk about what happens next. We try to be super proactive. Right now, the plan is to get into Colorado and get it up to what we’ve grown Texas to be.”

“We’re excited to go somewhere where there’s never even been a Scoop Soldiers,” added Entwistle. “We want to start with a blank slate and see what we can do with that because that’s something we’ve never tried.”

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