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Sir Grout Franchise Offers Veterans a Smooth Transition to Civilian Life

Franchising with Sir Grout appeals to veterans, as they can use the lessons learned in the military, along with the support of the brand, to find success.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 10/31/23

Sir Grout, the hard surfaces restoration franchise with 57 units, continues to expand. With this growth, the brand continues to expand, especially among veterans due to its well rounded business model. 

“Following a plan is more than a suggestion for a service member, it's a way of life,” explained veteran Isaac Frantz. “The franchise model gives that structured, easy to follow path, while also granting independence. It puts a veteran back in control of their life, while also providing a path to success.”

Frantz and fellow veterans Joe Freeman and Sajili Bacallo have recently joined the brand as franchise owners and look forward to contributing to Sir Grouts' growth with the use of the transferable skills they learned while in the military. 

All three franchise owners are looking forward to the upcoming openings of their respective locations, Frantz in California, Freeman in North Carolina and Bacallo in Washington.

A Background In Service

Frantz served for six years as part of the U.S. Air Force, but as he neared the end of his enlistment, he faced a big decision about whether to stay or to rejoin civilian life and find a new career path, preferably one that provided some sort of guidance for the challenging shift. 

“I was faced with the potentially life-altering decision that all military members must face at some point, ‘Stay for 20 or get out?’ It was around this time that my older brother approached me with the idea for going into business together,” explained Frantz. “Franchising made sense because it provided the framework that I was used to and it made for an easy transition to civilian life.”

Similarly, Bacallo attended the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School during his college years before completing four years of active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps, achieving the rank of Captain, before spending an additional two years in the reserves. When he returned to civilian life, he initially took on a career in medical device sales, but his entrepreneurial spirit soon led him to running a small craft whisky distillery business. It was there that he realized his experiences in the military prepared him for business ownership, but still craving a more robust and stable system and business model, Bacallo looked to franchising. 

Freeman decided he would join the Marine Corps after he “watched the towers fall.” He started his training in 2003 and served for 20 years, achieving the title of Gunnery Sergeant. Upon his retirement from the Marine Corps, franchising seemed a good fit. He already owned a welding and fabrication business and was keen to provide transformative services, but this time with the support of a franchisor who could help him out with things like marketing. 

Lessons Learned and Put to Good Use

Bacallo, Freeman and Frantz feel confident that their military backgrounds will come in handy in their new career. 

For Bacallo, it is the training and exposure to unpredictable events that will serve as a foundation for his success in business ownership.

“I found that my experiences and knowledge from the Marine Corps, particularly in dealing with chaotic situations, were immensely valuable in navigating the challenges of small business. The military had prepared me well for unpredictable environments,” said Bacallo.

Freeman refers to the same skill as the most valuable one he learned in the military, but he refers to it as “adjustability.”

“You have to be flexible and be able to adjust plans on the fly,” he said. 

For Frantz, in the same vein, the military taught him how to be judicial while under pressure, which gave him the confidence to take on leadership roles. Moreover, Frantz explained that the work ethic he acquired along the way has set him up for lifelong success. After many grueling 12 hour days while in the military, a civilian work day feels very manageable. It is this perspective that helps Frantz remember to feel grateful for the opportunity in front of him. 

Choosing Sir Grout

Sir Grout appealed to all three veterans primarily for the support the brand offers franchise owners.

Franchise owners are guided through a 10-week onboarding and training process to prepare them for business ownership, making for a smooth career transition, namely for those re-entering civilian life. In addition, franchise owners have the support of the larger Threshold Brands franchise network.

Freeman enjoys the corporate support because it means he can focus on the services he provides his customers, without getting bogged down in administrative tasks.

“Sir Grout franchise allows me to focus on the work and they have my back on everything else. All the services they have for franchisees allow us to go out and do a top notch job,” said Freeman. 

While the franchisor does offer a great deal of support, franchise owners are encouraged to personalize their business, which is something that Bacallo looks forward to, especially in selecting his own team.

“Success in business, like in the military, requires a cohesive team effort,” commented Bacallo. “Franchising offers the necessary training, but it's up to us to assemble the team.”

When explaining the importance of the support Sir Grout provides, Bacallo recalled a quote from Thucydides, Athenian historian and general, to show how his success relies heavily on his training: "We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school." 

For Frantz, Sir Grout suited his brother and business partner’s strengths and, after meeting the Sir Grout team and being left with a great first impression of professionalism and openness, he was sold.

Opportunities for Growth

All three franchise owners have ambitious plans to grow their business moving forward. For Frantz, he aims to do so for the benefit of his family, in hopes of acquiring generational wealth for his children and providing a good life for his wife. It has been a positive experience so far, and he recommends franchising to any veteran.

“The military has equipped us with the tools we need to succeed, and sometimes you have to take the leap and make moves,” said Frantz.

Bacallo agrees, but suggests veterans seek out a service brand, like Sir Grout, in particular to appeal to their background.

“Service-based franchises are the most logical choice for veterans because we inherently understand the concept of service,” he said. 

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