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The Key Elements Every Franchise Website Must Have

Genuine images, compelling videos, concise text, strategic use of colors and user-friendly sections are crucial for creating an impactful franchise website.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
11:11AM 11/09/23

The website is often the first touchpoint for someone researching a franchise opportunity. So, making a great first impression is crucial for keeping them interested and guiding them in the right direction.

With that said, here are elements that every franchise website should be implementing. 

Original Images

One of the biggest mistakes that franchises make with their websites is using stock imagery, said Linton Dowling, vice president of marketing at franchise sales organization Raintree*

“In this day and age, we look at websites every day, and we’ve become highly attuned with what a stock image is,” he said. “So by not having great, genuine images, you’re not creating that emotional connection. You’re not showing who you truly are.” 

Franchises should use images of actual franchisees, products and services so that visitors can get a clear picture of what a brand is really like. 

Video Content

Today, video is king, especially short form video. Not only is this a crucial part of developing a strong social media presence, but so is a strong website. 

“If it's on your Instagram, you need to have it on your website, and you need it to be captivating,” said Dowling. “Unfortunately, our attention spans are rapidly declining. So you need that short form content to really hook a person.” 

Pair your video content with great visuals and strong, informative headlines to really grab peoples’ attention 

Concise, Strong Text

When people see a large block of text on their phones or computers, they are often conditioned to scroll away or log off a page altogether. It's important that the text on a website is short, sharp and to the point. 

“If it's a franchise report or franchise disclosure document, and there’s an actual intent behind it, people will consume longer text,” noted Dowling. “But as a first touch point, you just cannot have a lot of text. You have to be smart and succinct with it.” 

The Right Colors

Colors play a significant role in influencing human psychology and can have a profound impact on how people perceive and interact with a website. The color scheme of a website contributes to the overall first impression. A harmonious color palette can create a positive and cohesive experience, while clashing colors may have the opposite effect.

“Brands really need to think about their brand colors and how they translate into websites,” said Dowling. “You need contrast on websites to draw attention. I love clean, big, white negative spaces, with big images and big headlines, but it needs to have spacing. If you're getting yelled at through visuals, you’re not going to have the best experience.” 

Additionally, consistent use of colors in branding helps in establishing a strong visual identity. When users see these colors on a website, they may subconsciously connect it with the brand, reinforcing brand recognition.

A Separate URL for Your Franchise Brand

Brands should also be sure to create a separate URL for their consumer-facing website and their franchise website. The biggest reason for this is because it's the best way for a brand to control its own story and attract leads. If the franchise information is right on the main website, it can be confusing for visitors to navigate and get the answers they are looking for. 

Having a separate franchise website also makes analyzing traffic and marketing efforts more streamlined. Franchises can create specific campaigns for each website to get the right people to the right places.

Easy-To-Navigate Sections

Because visitors will be turning to a franchise page for research purposes, sections need to be clearly labeled and easy to understand. 

For example, sections can include the following:

  • Brand mission and values
  • About the team
  • Why our product stands out
  • Where we’re growing
  • Investment costs and earning potential
  • Testimonials from real franchisees 

These sections should not only answer fundamental questions about the franchise opportunity but also be a go-to resource for already-established franchisees.

An Inquiry Form 

One of the most important parts of a franchise website is the inquiry form. This allows prospective franchisees to provide their info to be contacted by the team. 

On the form, you can include text that encourages leads to book an exploratory call with someone on the team. The form can also be connected to a free-scheduling software, such as Calendly, to book appointments automatically. Just make sure to update all contact information accordingly to avoid bounce-back emails or inquiries going into spam files. 

“The website is so critically important to franchisors and franchisees’ success — I cannot overstate that,” said Dowling. “It is vital for marketing to get people onto that website.” 

When it comes to developing a strong website, it is crucial to include all of the tools necessary for a visitor to find what they are looking for and easily contact the company. These elements all work together to leave a lasting positive impression and potential business opportunity.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.