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Top 10 Strategies to Create Lasting Franchise Employee Relationships

Keeping and retaining talented employees is no walk in the park. So how do you go about creating a lasting franchise and employee relationship?

By Jeff DwyerStaff Writer
Updated 7:07AM 06/23/23

A franchise’s success relies on its employees. Employees are the backbone of any business and can determine whether you float or sink. As such, it’s absolutely vital as a franchise owner to establish a healthy work culture and foster lasting relationships with your staff.

But what are some strategies franchise owners can implement to create a professional and fruitful relationship with their staff?

Offer Benefits and a Competitive Salary

While it may seem obvious, offering benefits and a competitive salary is crucial if you want to hire and retain good talent. Show your employees that you value their contributions by providing a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package, which includes perks like holiday and paid time off, health insurance, sick and parental leave, a matching retirement plan, and even a wellness program. Will Cannaby, a director with Robert Half in Sydney, Australia, believes investing in your employees’ well-being demonstrates your commitment to their success, and in turn, will help the growth of your franchise.

“If you’re paying a candidate the right amount of money for what they’re worth and their value, you’re going to get a highly motivated candidate that’s joining the business,” said Cannaby.

Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance

It’s also important to recognize that your employees have lives outside of work, and as such, you should strive to set realistic expectations. Your employees don’t have as much stake in your franchise as you do. Try to demonstrate empathy and flexibility, and allow them to maintain a fulfilling personal life alongside their professional responsibilities. By supporting a healthy work and life balance, you’re fostering loyalty, which will contribute to an overall positive work culture.

Create a Positive Culture

Speaking of work culture, you should always aim to develop a culture that’s based on trust, transparency and camaraderie. The culture you create will set the foundation for the relationships you have with your employees. Strive to create a welcoming atmosphere that promotes respect, kindness and inclusivity. A positive work culture can be a direct contributor to a franchise’s growth in the same way a toxic work environment can result in high turnover, burnout and an overall decline in service.

In an Entrepreneur article, Marty Fukuda, the chief operating officer of CSI 3000, echoed this sentiment and reported that by demonstrating that you care, you can create a positive work culture.

“By getting to know your team through quality interactions, communicating brilliantly and showing them you truly care, it is possible to build a team of ‘lifers,’” said Fukuda. “And when that happens, magical things in your business will follow.”  

Foster Teamwork and Collaboration

Part of cultivating a positive work culture includes encouraging a sense of unity and cooperation between yourself and your employees. Your staff should always be working toward the same goal. In order to inspire this, you can host team-building exercises and collaborative projects that bring people together. According to a study conducted by the International Social Survey Program (ISSP), interpersonal work relationships can have a significant positive effect on the job satisfaction of the average employee. The study also reports when employees feel like they’re being supported and a part of something bigger, their commitment to a franchise will grow and they may feel more inclined to go the extra mile.

Provide Opportunities for Growth

Recognize that some employees may view your franchise as a stepping stone while others may be in it for the long haul. Either way, support their professional growth to the best of your ability. You can offer training programs, workshops and mentorship opportunities. Show your staff you have their backs and will help them on their journey, wherever that takes them. By encouraging and enabling your staff to move up the ladder, they’ll feel more motivated to excel. And by supporting them, you may create a lasting bond that will be beneficial to you in the long run.

Recognize Employees for their Hard Work

Your employees’ work achievements are also your franchise’s achievements. As such, you should celebrate and acknowledge your staff’s hard work. Saying congratulations or “great job” can go a long way. If your employees see that you actually care about their work, they’ll likely be more motivated to continue working hard.

Have an Open-Door Policy

Another way to create a lasting franchise and employee relationship is by having an open-door policy. Encourage open communication between you and your employees. Make it clear right from the start that you’re approachable and willing to listen to any of their ideas, concerns and feedback.

Doing so will help instill trust and establish a supportive environment. And, according to Forbes, keeping in “direct communication with employees is also essential for company leadership.”

Listen to Employee Feedback

On the other end of having an open-door policy is actually listening to employee feedback and taking it seriously. After all, a fresh perspective could lead to improved operational procedures and best practices. Actively engage in conversations with your staff, show that you care, address their needs when applicable and provide guidance when you can. Showing employees that their opinions matter will help nurture their investment in the franchise’s success.

Lead by Example

Leading by example is huge when it comes to building lasting relationships with your staff. As the owner, your behavior and work ethic will be seen by your staff on a daily basis. It sets the standard for your employees. You need to lead by example and demonstrate the values and work ethic that you expect to see from your team. Having a positive attitude goes a long way. If you can show it in your day-to-day life, your employees are more likely to emulate it. Grégoire Jacquet, the founder of the French-inspired restaurant franchise Grégoire, also believes a “positive attitude is infectious.”

“A franchisee should be optimistic and have a can-do attitude,” said Jacquet. “When the franchisee is positive, it will impact the people around them. The customers will feel it when they enter the restaurant.” 

Celebrate Milestones and Victories

Similar to recognizing your employees for their hard work but on a much broader scale, take the time to celebrate both personal and professional milestones and victories within your franchise. Whether it’s reaching a sales target, a work anniversary or a personal accomplishment, acknowledging and celebrating these moments together strengthens employee relationships and fosters a sense of unity.

Creating Lasting, Positive Workplace Relationships

Creating a lasting relationship with your employees will not happen overnight. But by practicing each of these strategies on a daily basis, and showing that you genuinely care for your team and want them to succeed, you can nurture a positive environment where your employees feel valued, motivated and happy to contribute to the long-term success of your franchise.



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