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Eggs Up Grill Franchisees Bounce Back Stronger Than Ever Thanks to Franchisor Support

Franchisees of the breakfast, lunch and brunch concept attribute recent success to the wide range of support provided by the Brand leadership team.

By Cristina Merill
SPONSOREDUpdated 8:08AM 07/16/20

Eggs Up Grill stands out as a franchise opportunity due to its strong financial performance (including strong margins and 11 qtrs. of same store sales growth thru 2019), simple operations, and a balanced lifestyle supported thru operating hours of 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The brand’s top-notch leadership support, which has been stronger than ever, has helped franchise owners, including Dean Patel, who owns and operates two South Carolina units with the brand, bounce back from the unprecedented period. 

“The leadership team has gone above and beyond what a normal franchise system would do,” Patel said. “Ricky (CEO) and the entire team are always available. I can text them, and they’ll text me right back. It’s been helpful to know that they’re only a phone call away.” 

Patel is a franchise partner with several other brands.  He noted the difference in support and responsiveness provided by the Eggs Up Grill team, commenting on the timeliness and dependability of the leadership team.

“These guys are always on top of any questions I have. If they don’t have an answer, they’ll research it and get right back to me, as soon as they can provide support to my needs.”

Patel also noted that during the height of the dining restrictions and shutdowns, the leadership team’s biweekly conference calls with franchisees were especially helpful, along with pausing royalties and suspending marketing fees, systemwide. 

“I give kudos to Ricky and the other leadership team members for extending that olive branch,” Patel said. “It went a long way in showing what the franchisor is all about, and it went a long way in showing that the leadership team was in it with us.” 

Franchise Partner Marc Cotone echoed those sentiments.  Cotone, owner/ investor of four restaurants in the Charleston, South Carolina market estimates his business was down by about 80% during its worst point during the pandemic.  He's been able to bounce back strongly thanks to the many resources provided by the brand team.

“They’ve done everything in their power to support franchisees and I can’t imagine getting through such a difficult period without that level of support,” Cotone said. “They’ve given us weekly updates and provided us with resources and information that allow us to be successful during this challenging time. We've struggled at times, but we've fought hard and done our best to roll with the punches and keep our foot on the pedal toward achieving a new stability and normalcy."

Onsite visits conducted by the brand’s Franchise Business Consultants help franchisees ensure they are able to successfully execute the Brand’s new safety standards, put in place in response to the pandemic. Cotone also praised the leadership team for launching promotional programs that he says have been lucrative for the restaurants, not to mention fun to promote to guests, such as the Awaken to Bacon offer, which features four all-new, bacon-based dishes. 

Cotone noted that the brand team has been open to franchisee feedback and ideas, especially when they feel those ideas would help increase sales. Cotone was given support to pursue an Eggs Up Grill food truck, which will be in service by the end of August. 

“Support, communication and a true partnership have been key themes over the past few weeks,” Cotone said. “If I was on my own instead of franchising, I’d be really struggling, but because I’m part of this amazing brand I got what I signed up for: strong support.” 

This high level of franchisee validation is exactly what the Eggs Up Grill leadership strives for as the brand continues to expand its footprint

“Eggs Up Grill is entering a new phase of franchise growth, and it’s important to the leadership team that franchisees have the support they need to make an impression in their markets,” Vice President of Franchise Development Todd Owen said. “We’re proud to say that we’re closer and more in tune with our franchise system than ever before, and we’re determined to keep that momentum going through the rest of 2020 and beyond.” 

The startup costs for an Eggs Up Grill franchise range from $462,330 to $653,680. The franchise fee is $39,000. To learn more about franchising with Eggs Up Grill, visit


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