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2024’s Top Women in Franchising: Shawna Rollins

Each year, 1851 Franchise does a roundup of the most influential and successful women in the franchising industry. In this installment, we speak with Shawna Rollins, CEO of Delicious Treats.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
Updated 11:11AM 03/25/24

The Franchise Leader: Shawna Rollins

The Company: Delicious Treats

1851 Franchise talked with Shawna Rollins, CEO of Delicious Treats, about her journey in franchising, her accomplishments in the industry, and the strategies she suggests for franchisors looking to empower and support female franchisees this year.

1851: Can you share your journey to becoming a leader in franchising?

Rollins: My journey to becoming a leader in franchising began unexpectedly when a customer, impressed by the design of my kiosk space, expressed interest in operating a similar one and sought my guidance. Their inquiry sparked the realization that others also might benefit from my experience. Inquiries started coming in about expanding to different islands, prompting me to consider the limitations of being in multiple locations simultaneously. This turning point occurred when I attended a franchise show in New York — which I saved a year's savings to attend — engaging with franchise owners and learning as much as I could on the topic. I recognized the potential to transform Delicious Treats into a franchise. The insights gained at the show inspired me to make the leap, initiating my path as a leader in the franchise industry.  

1851: What are some unique challenges and opportunities for women in franchising?

Rollins: Women in franchising encounter both unique challenges and opportunities. The responsibility of being the mothers of homes and our communities often adds an extra layer of challenges, especially for those managing single-parent homes. Balancing professional and personal life can become very intricate. However, they may possess remarkable multitasking abilities, enabling us to overcome challenges and to bring our dreams to reality. Women in franchising serve as problem solvers, leveraging our resilience and adaptability. Despite the hurdles [we face] as women, we often emerge as mentors and leaders, contributing not only to our family's well being, but also actively engaging in community and national development. The journey for women in franchising is marked by the ability to navigate challenges while making substantial positive impacts. 

1851: How would you define success in your role?

Rollins: I define success as the ability to inspire and uplift other women on their journey, particularly when they seek clarity on why I chose franchising. Success isn't solely measured by the number of people we touch, but by the lasting impact we make on their paths. Encouraging someone to take the leap into franchising — and witnessing their growth — that is fulfilling success for me. I believe that if we all strive to create defining moments for those that we encounter, helping them define their purpose, our world would be a better place. Therefore, treating everyone with respect, from the janitor to the CEO, is not just a professional ethic, but a fundamental aspect of achieving success in my world. Definitely.

1851: What advice would you give to franchisors looking to support female franchisees?

Rollins: My advice to the franchisor seeking to support and empower female franchises is to prioritize inclusivity and provide tailored resources. Recognize and address the unique challenges we may face, such as work-life balance and managing single-parent households. Foster a supportive network where female franchises can share experiences and insights. Implement mentorship programs connecting seasoned women in the franchise industry to those now beginning their journey. Ensure equal success opportunities to all, with training and power aiming to thrive in leadership roles.

Transparency and open communication are key. Actively seeking feedback to refine our support systems, creating an environment that values diversity, and acknowledging the specific needs of female franchisees for prioritizing equal opportunities will contribute to a thriving and inclusive franchise community. 

1851: What is your advice for women who want to enter the franchise industry?

Rollins: Leverage our unique strengths, such as paying attention to detail. Conduct thorough research in your chosen field and make an informed decision. Recognize that franchising offers a viable business option and can serve as an excellent exit strategy, providing stability and potential for legacy building. Embrace the advantage of not being alone in business, but the collaborative nature of the franchise industry that fosters support and shared expertise. Trust in your abilities. Stay informed and seize the opportunities within franchising to create a successful fulfilling and upward entrepreneurial journey.

1851: Is there anything else that you want our audience to know?

Rollins: It’s crucial for the audience to understand that women in franchising contribute not only to their individual success, but also to the overall growth and diversity of the industry. The unique perspective of resilience and multitasking abilities that women bring to the table enrich the franchise landscape. Encouraging inclusivity, mentorship and equal opportunities is not just beneficial for women, but for the entire franchising community. The potential of creating a positive impact, both professionally and socially, is immense. When women are empowered in the franchising sector, it is an inclusive journey where diverse voices and experiences enhance the industry’s strength and adaptability.