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Peoria Journal Star: Checkers & Rally's Opens Door For Investors To Bring Brand To New Communities In Illinois

Checkers sets its sights on Peoria, Illinois.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 10:22PM 05/04/16

Checkers is eyeing Illinois for expansion in 2016 and is specifically interested in Peoria for development. The Journal Star recently spoke with Director of Franchise Development Bruce Kim about Checkers’ plans for the area.

According to the article, Checkers does not currently have many restaurants in the state of Illinois, but that it would working to change that this year.

"We think that we could operate up to nine stores in the Peoria area,” Kim said.

The article also mentions that the brand is currently looking for franchisees to begin the development in Peoria.

"We're looking for investors with a strong business background,” Kim said.

To read the original article, click here.

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