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JAN-PRO Franchise Development™ Wraps Up 2022 with 4 New Regional Developers, 5 Transfers and 3 Expansions

JAN-PRO Franchise Development™ territories are 94% placed in the US and Canada because Regional Developers have protected territories. And the rights for that last 6% of the country are in high demand.

JAN-PRO Franchise Development™, the regional franchise system that provides certification, ongoing coaching, and administrative support to independently owned, regional JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting® franchisees, is committed to Building Business Owners. This year, the company has continued to do just that, welcoming a slew of new Regional Developers as well as celebrating the transfers and expansions of existing Regional Developers across its system.

“The JAN-PRO Regional Developer business model is really a hidden gem within the franchise industry because there’s no other opportunity that offers as much potential upside,” says Joseph Sloyan, Vice President of Franchise Development. “Our startup costs are relatively low compared to other franchise opportunities, we have multiple, recurring revenue streams, and our business is both recession-resistant and pandemic resistant.”

This year’s new Regional Developers include:

“I was 17 years old when my father started JAN-PRO of Arkansas,” said Hughes. “I remember cleaning the first account at the YMCA because there were no unit franchisees at the time. I went off to college and had my own career in logistics before coming back to JAN-PRO in 2018. There were 60 franchisees servicing roughly 400 customers around central Arkansas when I arrived. In 2019, we opened the Northwest Arkansas office and expanded our footprint.  Now, in 2022, we have 127 franchisees servicing roughly 700 customers throughout Arkansas. I fell in love with franchise development and helping these entrepreneurs get started in the janitorial industry.”

JAN-PRO Regional Developers like Hughes act as regional franchise owners that sell JAN-PRO Cleaning and Disinfecting licenses to entrepreneurs in their exclusive territories. They run executive offices that focus on recruiting new independent unit franchise owners and provide certification and support to existing unit franchise owners.

 This year also saw several Regional Developers come into the system or add to their portfolio through the transfer of existing offices, including:

 “The JAN-PRO brand is focused on making a positive impact in the lives of others through business ownership and by providing unmatched service,” said Johnson. “I couldn’t be more excited to be part of the new JAN-PRO Development of Houston ownership team and helping execute on our mission to grow the brand in the greater Houston market.”

The JAN-PRO Franchise Development opportunity continues to appeal to business leaders for several reasons. For one, the brand’s proven, low-cost business model is recession-resistant and benefits from multiple recurring revenue streams that are sustainable and scalable. Additionally, Regional Developers can tap into a robust suite of tools to build and support their entrepreneurial dreams.

And with such a scalable model, many JAN-PRO Regional Developers also expanded their territories this year, including: 

This kind of impressive growth has allowed JAN-PRO Franchise Development to establish itself as a leading opportunity in the franchising industry alongside the JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting brand. In addition to its franchise growth, JAN-PRO Franchise Development was featured on the esteemed Franchise Times’ Top 400 list for the second year in a row in 2022, jumping the rankings to the No. 119 spot as compared to No. 157 in 2021.  

Looking ahead, markets such as Des Moines, Albuquerque, Reno or Wichita are available protected territories open for opportunities with JAN-PRO Franchise Development. The states of Hawaii and Alaska are also currently available for development.   

“There is no ceiling on how big you can grow your business or that of independent unit franchisee’s businesses,” said Gary Bauer, Brand President. “We have Regional Developers that support hundreds of Certified Business Owners that, in turn, service hundreds of clients. We have been doing this for a long-time, and many of our Regional Developers have been with us for decades. We know exactly what it takes to help our Regional Developers grow their businesses and build a bright future of their own making.” 

For more information on becoming a Regional Developer with JAN-PRO Franchise Development, visit

*No JAN-PRO Franchise Development™ or JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting™ franchise will be sold to any resident of a jurisdiction requiring registration of the franchise before it is sold, until the offering has been exempted from the requirements of, or duly registered in and declared effective by that jurisdiction and any required Franchise Disclosure Document has been delivered to the prospective franchisee before the sale in compliance with applicable law.



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