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Top Franchise Brokers: Jane Stein, Your Franchise is Waiting

As a certified franchise consultant, Stein helps prospective franchisees achieve financial security through business ownership.

Jane Stein, president and consultant at Your Franchise is Waiting, knows how to help empower people in their careers. Prior to entering the franchising world, Stein was a certified financial planner for more than 25 years with a large Wall Street firm and provided comprehensive wealth management solutions. She wrote an investment column and conducted public seminars titled “Money Matters for Women.” 

Today, as a franchise broker, Stein uses this financial planning experience to help prospects identify business opportunities that will allow them to build their wealth. Stein knows how to match clients with the specific opportunities that will meet their interests, skill sets and budget. She is also the author of “The Girlfriends Guide to Franchising,” which is a series of educational workshops and resources to help empower women interested in franchising.

“To me, winning as a broker is 100% about making sure the client is happy and successful,” Stein said. “I love when a previous client will call me and tell me they are happy with their investment or they are adding to their territory. When I see clients having fun with their franchise ownership and it is clear they made the right choice, that is really winning for me.”

If you are a prospect looking to invest in franchising, you can contact Stein here:

Watch the full video interview above, or click here to watch it on YouTube.