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After Two Decades in Business Administration, Mariana Oklander Opens Men In Kilts in Miami

The Argentina native now owns a Men In Kilts business in Miami, Florida, and is encouraging her friends to do the same.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 8:08AM 03/09/23

Men In Kilts, the nearly-50 unit franchise concept that addresses tough-to-tackle cleaning, has made a statement by embracing its heavily-female leadership team within the male-dominated industry. Many of the brand’s franchisees are also women, including Mariana Oklander. After 20 years of business administration work in Argentina, Oklander sold her business and decided to pursue a new start in Miami.

“I love Miami, and I think that franchising is a great way to get into a new country and industry,” Oklander explained. “I needed to pursue the E-2 Visa for immigration, and Men In Kilts made that process easy. With a franchise business like this one, the immigration and visa process is much easier.”

Though Oklander was incredibly successful in business in Argentina, she says that none of her knowledge translates very well to business operations in the states.

“Franchising was the better way for me to start a new business because it teaches me about the people, how to live here and how to run my business. They already have all of that information,” she explained.

After researching a few franchises, Oklander settled on Men In Kilts Hollywood FL for a few reasons. Most prominently, she said she felt confident in the abilities and expertise of the leadership team. Exterior cleaning services are also in high demand in Miami, and Oklander said she could find more business in the industry than she would by opening a restaurant, for example.

The kilts only differentiate the brand even further.

“The uniforms the employees wear are very distinguishable,” she said. “I think it is a business with great possibility.”

Moving forward, Oklander says she hopes to expand to operating about five vans. Once her first territory reaches a level of success she is comfortable with, she will likely pursue additional territory investments.

As she grows, she is also inspiring her close friends.

“I have a few friends who are very excited to see how my history created an opportunity for me to invest my savings in a business and come to Miami,” she added. “Now, they are looking to do the same in the next few years.”

For other women considering a similar investment, Oklander recommended coming prepared and being patient. While franchising presents a great opportunity, she said that it is something that still requires work, especially for franchisees who are accustomed to the business environments that exist in other countries.

Now, she is working to compile all of her previous learnings and the education and support that Men In Kilts has provided to find additional success.

“All of the things that I have learned over the course of my life are coming together,” she explained. “I have learned from my business administration and accounting history, doing the cleaning around my own home and starting my business in Miami. Now, I am funneling all of those things into my new business and life here.”

To find out more information on costs to buy Men In Kilts, please visit 


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