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Franchise Deep Dive: Transblue Franchise Costs, Fees, Profit and Data

The general contracting franchise offers a low-cost, scalable model with little-to-no competition in major markets nationwide.




REPORTED COST TO GET IN: $147,900-$244,300

REPORTED ROI (Item 19): $3,621,011+

Transblue is a general contracting franchise that manages outdoor construction, remodeling projects and ongoing maintenance. The franchise uses a subcontractor model, meaning Transblue owners work primarily as project managers and have the bandwidth to work on scaling the business rather than just focusing on day-to-day operations.

How Many Transblue Locations Are There?

According to Entrepreneur, there were 21 Transblue locations as of 2022. While the brand has a strong foothold in the Pacific Northwest, it is targeting rapid growth nationwide.

Because the brand has carved out a lucrative niche in the larger construction industry, franchisees have an opportunity to secure exclusive territories in valuable whitespace with little-to-no competition from other business owners in the area.

What Is the Transblue Business Model?

Transblue manages high-end and large-scale residential, commercial and governmental outdoor projects. Transblue franchise owners manage the construction project, making Transblue a“one-stop shop” for clients.

Because Transblue uses subcontractors, it is able to minimize payroll and liabilities, decrease initial and overhead costs, enjoy more flexibility and scale more quickly.

How Much Can Transblue Franchise Owners Make?

Transblue notes that franchise owners reported average unit volumes (AUVs) of over  $3,621,011, and the top-performing owner made more than $5.9 million in sales.

How Much Does It Cost to Open a Transblue?

The estimated initial investment to open a Transblue franchise is $147,900 - $244,300. This includes the following costs:

  • Initial Franchise Fee: $49,500
  • Real Estate and Leasehold Improvements: $1,500 - $4,000
  • Vehicle(s): $17,500 - $50,000
  • Capital Equipment and Tools: $1,500 - $2,000
  • Technology, Office Equipment and Supplies: $7,500 - $25,000
  • Startup Marketing and Advertising: $5,500 - $7,000
  • Insurance: $12,000 - $25,000
  • Lease Deposits: $1,000 - $3,000
  • Professional Fees: $2,500 - $4,500
  • Licenses, Bonds: $1,000 - $2,000
  • Other Deposits: $0 - $500
  • Out-of-Pocket Initial Training Expenses: $3,400 - $6,800
  • Additional Funds, Working Capital: $45,000 - $65,000

What Is the Franchise Fee for Transblue?

The franchise fee for Transblue is $49,500.

Who Is the Leadership of Transblue?

What Helpful Articles Can I Read To Learn More?

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