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JDog Brands and Irreverent Warriors Partner To Support Veterans’ Mental Health Through Community Unification

Through Silkies Hikes nationwide, JDog franchisees have stepped up to support Irreverent Warriors communities in their hometowns.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 3:15PM 08/09/22

Veteran-founded and focused franchisor JDog Brands is partnering with Irreverent Warriors, a nonprofit organization committed to improving Veterans’ mental health through connection and never-dying camaraderie, to further support Veterans nationwide.

Each day, at least 22 Veterans and military service members die by suicide. Irreverent Warriors is dedicated to increasing awareness around this issue and providing the support to save lives that no one else can.

The Irreverent Warriors Silkies Hikes unify Veterans, reminding them of the camaraderie that never truly dies and working to better-connect Veteran communities nationwide. The nonprofit organization also connects Veterans to job placement opportunities, housing, service dogs and more.

“From the first day that JDog Brands reached out about becoming involved with Irreverent Warriors until now, they have consistently demonstrated that their investment is pure,” explained Nate McDonald, vice president and chief operating officer of Irreverent Warriors. “JDog Brands and the JDog Foundation operate with respect, integrity, and trust, and that commitment shows in how they execute their missions.”

Irreverent Warriors’ mission is to bring Veterans together using humor and camaraderie to improve mental health and prevent suicide, and JDog Brands has long emphasized the value of bringing Veterans together. 

“We could not be more proud to partner with Irreverent Warriors and encourage our Veterans to stay involved,” added Jerry Flanagan, Army Veteran and founder of JDog Brands. “JDog was founded on the principle of supporting Veterans once their service concluded, and their mental health is a crucial, often underrecognized, aspect of that support. What Irreverent Warriors is doing is invaluable to our communities.”

While JDog Brands and the JDog Foundation continue to support Irreverent Warriors on an organizational level, its franchisees have also stepped up to support local efforts. This summer, for example, over a dozen JDog franchisees are participating in and sponsoring their local Silkies Hike to bring awareness to Veteran mental health and help support the cause.

“It is impossible to work with JDog for long without seeing that they understand and embrace the importance of creating community. JDog franchises are proximal to almost every established IW community, and their footprint continues to increase,” McDonald added. “They continue to step forward and support local IW events and operations in a multitude of ways, including local marketing, volunteer support and sponsorship. From national JDog Brands and the JDog Foundation to the local JDog franchise owners and team, this partnership has increased the effectiveness of the Irreverent Warriors and helped us continue to reach veterans that nobody else will and save lives that nobody else can.”

Photo credit to Wilmington Star News


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