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Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control Is Reshaping How Customers View Critter Removal

The brand has a unique, compassionate approach to preventing and removing unwanted critters in homes

By Katie Porter1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 12:12PM 08/29/22

Many people believe that when they have a wildlife problem at their property, they have to call someone who will set a live trap and then take the animal out to the country for an “out of sight, out of mind” approach. And while it might solve the problem in the short term, Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, a home wildlife protection business that works to prevent wild animal problems at residences, knows that the band aid approach isn’t a good one when it comes to protecting your home. 

Bill Dowd established Skedaddle in 1989, recognizing the need for professional urban wildlife control, and he focused that business on Humane hands on removal methods. Skedaddle tackles the issue of trapping which creates a twofold issue: it disbands families and typically leaves the rest of the pack somewhere nearby, not addressing how they got in.

“That's just not what we do here at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control,” explained Bill Dowd, founder and CEO of the franchise, which has grown to be the top pest control franchise in North America. “Very few companies do what we do; we are unique in our hands-on removal techniques. But more importantly, and what makes the most of our revenue, is animal-proofing the structure with a lifetime guarantee.” 

By humanely taking the entire family unit out of structures, the company makes sure it is compassionate to the animals and completely eradicates the issue for property owners. The brand has become a leader in the industry, working closely with humane societies and the public to educate them on better ways to deal with wildlife. 

And not only does the 35-unit company want to be the ones property owners call when they have a mouse, bat, bird, or raccoon problem, but they also can address the issue before it even arrives as a “wildlife prevention company,” Dowd explained. 

Much of Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control’s focus is on animal-proofing the property so the problem does not persist. The brand also offers a lifetime guarantee on their work and is known as a reliable and trusted name in Canada and the United States.

Skedaddle’s four service segments — wildlife, pest control, attic insulation and professional Christmas decorating — keep franchise owners busy year round and have made the company a staple for home services in more than 35 different regions.  

There is a need for this business in every urban area,” Dowd added. People mistakenly believe these animals are confined to rural areas, but that’s not the case. He calls the raccoon, for example, the “perfect urban animal” that burrows in homes and feeds on garbage. There can be anywhere from five to 50 in a two-block radius. 

“As we continue to grow, we are extremely confident that we're going to be an industry disruptor in any market we open up into, and we're going to be the best in that city,” Dowd said. 


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