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The Franchise Academy: Hounds Town USA Doggie Daycare Franchise

Jackie Bondanza, CEO of Hounds Town USA, sat down with Tom Scarda to discuss the success her brand has seen in the past year.

In a recent Franchise Academy interview, Jackie Bondanza, CEO of Hounds Town USA, discussed how the brand came to be and the successes it has had over the years. The brand was founded by Michael S. Gould more than 20 years ago. He was one of the founding members of the NYPD canine unit. Thus, he has always had an interest in canines. In fact, he was one of the first police officers to have a dog with him on the job. The brand now has 19 stores in seven different states. 

When asked about franchising Hounds Town USA, Bondanza made it clear that they will not just let anyone own a location. The owners need to be a perfect fit for the brand and have knowledge of franchising in general. Her advice was to make sure potential owners do their homework and prepare well before tackling the franchising process.

Listen to the full interview here.


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