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How to Optimize Your Franchise Website for Search Engines

Optimizing a franchise website for search engines requires careful attention to website structure, content creation and local SEO to establish authority and improve rankings.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
8:08AM 09/20/24

Optimizing your franchise website for search engines is crucial to establishing your brand’s authority and ensuring that both your national and local presence is recognized by potential customers. 1851 Franchise spoke with Lonnie Jones, founder of Local SEO Help, to learn more about the best ways to do just that — and some common mistakes to avoid along the way.

Website Structure

According to Jones, the most common mistakes franchisors make when building a franchise website include a less-than-ideal structure, a lack of depth in the content and a failure to properly build links.

Your website’s structure provides the foundation for all of the information and content you are trying to communicate with potential customers. If the way it is organized is not conducive to optimization, that can be something that is very difficult to fix. It is advisable to set off on the right foot by using expert advice from the very start so you are set up for success going forward.

A successful website requires a solid structural foundation. This is particularly important for franchise websites, where potential franchisees can be directed to subdomains, subdirectories or individual websites. Subdomains and subdirectories are generally preferred because they consolidate resources; however, they require advanced SEO knowledge to implement effectively.

Content Creation

Once the structure is established, it’s time to focus on content creation at both the national and local levels. 

“At the national level, what you’re trying to establish is you’re an industry authority,” said Jones.

This means that the brand itself must generate high-quality, topical content that positions the franchise as a go-to source in its industry. Whether you’re in roofing, med spas or frozen yogurt, Jones advises writing about everything within your niche, creating comprehensive guides and detailed blog posts that cover every facet of your industry.

Jones also noted that one of the biggest pitfalls is the lack of depth in content. 

"The problem is that some brands just touch on the content on every page. So every page is very light," he explained. 

This kind of superficial content does little to establish authority or improve rankings. Instead, each page should be rich in relevant keywords and provide comprehensive information that answers the user’s search intent. 

Jones underscores the importance of long-form content and paying attention to the kind of content that will get your website noticed. “The highest-rated, highest-ranking pieces of informational content, like blogs, are usually 3,000 to 5,000 word long guide style articles,” he said. 

These guides should be meticulously structured, starting with a broad overview and then linking to more detailed posts that cover specific subtopics. This not only demonstrates to Google that your content is authoritative, but also encourages other websites to cite your work, which is critical for improving rankings. 

Local SEO

Local SEO is another vital component of optimizing a franchise website, particularly for franchisees who want to stand out in their specific markets. 

“Google already knows you’re an expert in med spas or roofing because that’s what the brand’s doing," Jones said. “What they need to see is that you’re doing business in Charlotte, North Carolina, or Miami. They’re looking for some type of proof that you’re doing business there. And just having a Google business profile and one page in a website is not enough for them to go, ‘Here’s the keys of the kingdom.’ You have to really establish yourself. And so that starts by having a nice footprint at the local level.”

So then how do you get the “keys to the kingdom” and make Google recognize you as a local expert, giving you a top spot on the search engine? Networking and local marketing.

“Get your local market to cite you as the local expert,” said Jones. “It’s up to the franchisee to get reviews. That is one of the most important pieces because Google is evaluating reviews and wants to see consistency. That’s the validation that this franchisee is doing a good job.”

SEO Has a Huge Hand in Franchise Success

Optimizing a franchise website for search engines requires a strategic approach to website structure, content creation and local SEO. Another major but common mistake is neglecting link building, which Jones described as “the race fuel in the race car.” Without a robust link-building strategy, even the best content will struggle to reach its full potential in search rankings. Be sure to create meaningful and helpful content, and then to network like crazy to encourage other content creators to link your website as an expert source.

If you aren’t optimizing your website, you are unlikely to show up on anyone’s radar in an internet search. And in today’s modern world, where consumers rely heavily on Google’s recommendations, that can be incredibly detrimental. By focusing on the key elements discussed in this article, you can ensure that your franchise website not only ranks well but also drives meaningful traffic and leads, building a pathway to success for your brand.

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